Chapter 7 : The Scent

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The setting sun casts a warm glow over the quiet streets with the shadows stretching long behind them.

Archen's mind was busy with unspoken thoughts, while De Dunkerque looked straight ahead, his face calm. They traveled in silence, with the sound of hooves on the cobblestones the only noise heard. Several horses with their riders, led by Naren, accompanied the journey closely.

Archen glanced out the window of the carriage. The rows of trees lining the road were bathed in the light of the setting sun, making the leaves shine as if coated in gold.

Archen stole a glance at De Dunkerque, who had been silent all this time. His stern face could not hide his beauty. Yet, the aura of a crown prince was undeniable. Because of that, the air felt heavy, making Archen feel suffocated, but he did not dare to say anything.

Since the incident at noon, since De Dunkerque found him at Lady Tremaine's Chateau and ordered him to be brought along to the Main Palace, here he was. Traveling with the prince in a carriage without knowing the purpose of being taken.

'Is this the end... is this my final journey? Mae, Archen is scared. Forgive me, Mae.'

Archen tried to be resigned. But the fear remained the same, crushing him. Regretting his actions now was too late.

'I should have waited for him that day, then I would be safe... ugh... stupid me, Archen.'

The nearly two-hour journey ended as the golden carriage carrying the Crown Prince arrived at the Main Palace Courtyard. Several attendants descended and opened the door of the gilded carriage.

De Dunkerque signaled for him to exit first. Archen obeyed. He slowly stepped down from the carriage.

For a moment, he was stunned by the grandeur of the Main Palace standing before him.

The palace stood majestically at the heart of the capital, a testament to centuries of grandeur and power. Its towering spires reached towards the sky, piercing the horizon with their intricate stonework. Massive gates, wrought from iron and gold with the guarded entrance, flanked by statues of long-forgotten heroes.

'Wow, this palace is amazing. The one from before was already huge and grand, but it can't compete with this. Crazy. Was the previous palace only for dance parties? Ugh... how many palaces does this kingdom have? Crazy, absolutely crazy.'

"Hey you..." A voice called him, but Archen was still lost in his amazement.

'Ergh... is this my last sight here? If so, maybe it's not that bad, right...'


"HUH?" Archen was startled by the loud voice behind him. He turned around quickly. De Dunkerque was glaring at him.

The prince had not moved from his seat in the carriage, seemingly waiting for something.

Archen stepped aside, trying to make a way even though he recalled, he is not blocking any path earlier.

Naren, who had been waiting beside his horse, approached the carriage door upon seeing De Dunkerque still inside.

"Your Highness, we have arrived," he informed.

"I know."

Naren raised an eyebrow in puzzlement. 'What's going on now?'

De Dunkerque looked directly at Archen. Their eyes met, but Archen, slightly frightened, quickly lowered his gaze, afraid of being scolded.

"You..." De Dunkerque called.

"Yes, Your Highness, is there something wrong?" Naren asked, concerned.

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