✭ The Practical ✭

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡


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The written test was quite easy. I knew majority of the answers, but before I could even think about the answers, the boy next to me would already have it.

Before I flipped over my paper, I made sure I left a few incorrect answers. I had enough for a passing grade, but not too much that I would be seen as a cheater, or even worse; A prodigy.

I set my pencil on top of my paper, patiently, waiting for the timer to run out. 12 more minutes, huh? I could take a quick power nap. I grabbed my germanium ring from my breast pocket and slipped it on my ring finger, my brain suddenly becoming silent.

My head gently fell on the desk, my violet eyes fluttering shut. I wrapped my arms around my head, caging myself in some sort of protective sleep dome.

I dreamt about my happy place, a small cozy cafe with unlimited desserts. Coffee jelly, Chocolate Mousse cakes, Tiramisu, Tres Leches cakes... The possibilities were endless! I began to stuff my face with the sweet treats, my heart swelling with happiness. Oh, how I never wanted to leave-

"HELLO U.A. CANDIDATES! THANKS FOR TUNING INTO ME, YOUR SCHOOL DJ!" I heard a loud voice, causing my head to instinctively shoot up from the desk. A few people around me stared with shock, making me feel awkward. "Crap."

Despite being an all powerful psychic, I couldn't help the human reaction I had, a soft pink blush of embarrassment gracing my cheeks. I hate it here already.

The announcer, Present Mic, began to introduce himself, encouraging the audience to make some noise. Unfortunately for him, it was completely silent.

"Oh my goodness, it's the voice hero, Present Mic! So cool!! I listen to his radio show every day of the week! It's so crazy how all the U.A. teachers are pro he-" The green haired boy began to rant, only for the blond boy next to him to interrupt. "Will you shut up?"

Thank you, blond boy, I was getting tired of him too. And hopefully the author will formally introduce me to the characters soon because I'm getting tired of referring to them as green boy and blond boy.

Anyways, Present Mic began to explain what we'll be doing for our practical and informing us that we would be split into different centers. I looked down at my form, reading "Battle Center B".

In the middle of explaining, a voice was heard in the crowd. "Excuse me sir, but I have a question." it was a blue haired boy, wearing glasses and a suit-like uniform. I perked up, glancing down at him as he continued to speak.

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