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It was supposed to be a normal morning on the Octopod. But it wasn't. At about 3 am, everyone was woken by the Octo-alert. When they got down to HQ, Dashi (who hadn't even gone to bed🤦🏻‍♀️) was checking the radar, pulling levers and pressing buttons like her life depended on it.

Captain Barnacles said "Dashi, report?" Dashi replied, not looking up "We're heading for a waterfall that's uncharted . The current is so strong I can't get us off course . There's nothing we can do."

Everyone looks aghast at this news. The vegimals all fainted, Tweak's ears  twisted up and Peso started to whimper. Kwazii, on the other hand, looked very excited! "Haha! We're in for a shipwreck! I can't wait! This will be the best, maties!"

Captain Barnacles also looked worried, but set everyone tasks "Ok. Dashi, stay here and help minimise damage, Tweak, make any adjustments needed for the crash, everyone else, go and get to a safe place where you're less likely to get hurt or trapped. Is that clear?" Everyone mumbled "Yes sir." Except for Kwazii, who asked loudly "WHY'S HE LOOKING AT ME?" No-one answered; everyone had started work.

Camicazi looked up at the waterfall. Her Night Light dragon, Stormchaser, made agitated sounds, as she always did when she could sense a threat to her rider and the kingdom she was alpha of . Wolf guardian and dragon alpha set off together to the top of the waterfall to chase off the intruders.

An announcement blasted through all the speakers on the Octopod. "Set to fall in 5...4...3...2...1... We are fa-aaallllliiiiinnnnggggg!!!!!!!"

Everyone screamed as the Octopod tilted firmly sideways. Peso looked out of the window at the water falling beside them. He was too scared even to scream. Just before he blacked out entirely, he could have sworn he saw a dark figure ..... Riding a dragon.

It was a giant.... Thing. It was bright orange and falling fast. Camicazi could hear the screams from aboard. She smiled. There was already fear onboard....and only more to come.

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