First flight- the remake

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Neoni has released a new song called Jump Rope! I'm so happy! I will make a reference to it at some point. Play the song when it says they start flying. It's the best!

The two dismounted Stormchaser. Cami said "Um... I don't think we can get you out for about a week, at least, so you're stuck here with me. So... Same time tomorrow?"

Peso looked excited "Definitely!" He really liked the Wild Wolf guardian, and thought that she was kind and funny, once you got to know her.

Kwazii walked out. "Oh, a romantic flight huh? Well, Peso, matey, you've done well to land a girl like that." Both Cami and Peso blushed. They DEFINITELY weren't dating.
Kwazii continued, suddenly a bit awkward. "Lass, I kinda want to apologise for what I said to you yesterday. It.... Wasn't what I should have done."

"Oh, that's fine. I wasn't exactly polite either. Friends?" Cami responded, holding out a hand. "Friends!" They shook on it.

Just then, all the other Octonauts came out of the Octopod. "Ah, Camicazi! Got any genius dragon plan to get us out of here?" Captain Barnacles asked, confident that she had a plan.

"Well, I do, but it's gonna take a week, at least." Cami replied, nervously untying and rebraiding one of her miniature braids.

"Well, that doesn't matter. Tell me." Barnacles coaxed. He could tell that the girl had become shy sharing thoughts since her lonely life in the Hidden World.

"Well, the first step ... Would you like to bond with a dragon?" She murmured, shrinking away from everyone's gaze.

There were cries of joy from the Octonauts, except Shellington who muttered "I'm a little scared of heights. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to ride a dragon."

Cami walked up to him. "When I first flew on a dragon, I was terrified until I got up to the height, and then I realised that it was too beautiful to be scary. Sure, sometimes it's hard looking down, but you'll be glad you did. And whatever dragon you bond with, they will NEVER let you fall. Never."

Shellington nodded, not entirely sure, but just willing to give it a try.

Camicazi said something in Old Norse to Stormchaser, who sent a plasma blast into the air. A lot of dragons flew over and landed around them. "Just reach out to them, hand/paw/flipper up. The right dragon will come to you. They'll know."

All of the Octonauts were visibly intimidated by the multitude of dragons, but they did as Camicazi said. Captain Barnacles gasped as a Rumblehorn came and put it's head into his outstretched palm. "Male Rumblehorn. Suits you!" Cami laughed. Kwazii found a Monstrous Nightmare boy, Dashi got a female Stormcutter (like Valka's dragon in HTTYD 2 and 3) , Peso a female Razorwhip, Tweak a male Nadder, Shellington had a Gronkle (male), the Vegimals got a female, rather motherly Zippleback (2 heads one body!) and Inkling managed to find an old man Dramillion.

Names of everyone's dragons:

C.B- Griffin
Peso- Lyra
Kwazii - Treasure
Dashi- Darkwings
Tweak- Spineshot
Shellington - Algarum
Inkling - Shakespeare
Vegimals - Flappyflap!!!!!

With a bit of help and instruction from Camicazi , everyone mounted their dragon. They took off into the sky, Camicazi, Kwazii and Tweak whooping gleefully, others gasping and Shellington muttering "Why did I agree to this? Itssoscaryhelpmesomeone!"

After a bit of high flying , Captain Barnacles said "ok, Shellington, you can look now." And he did. "Wow. Just wow. This is...... Beautiful!" He said, astonished.

Peso and Camicazi shared a glance. "The first non-guardians to ride dragons since the days of Hiccup Haddock. This is.... Really special! Whooooooohooooooooo!" Cami laughed, doing a barrel roll on Stormchaser. She started to sing:

Let the wind carry us,
Through the clouds, hurry up, all right!
We can travel so far as our eyes can see!
We go where no-one goes!
We slow for no-one, Get out of our way!

She stopped as they passed a group of wild Typhoomerangs . Cami raised her hand in salute and they carried on past the wild dragon wheeling in the sky.

Awake in the sky, we break up so high, alright!
Let's make it our own, let's savour it!
We go where no-one goes,
We slow for no-one,
Get out of our way!

Cami seemed to know, and love every dragon in the sky of the Hidden World. She guided Stormchaser expertly, never missing a beat. It was clear that she lived for flying , and was in her element up here in the sky.

We slow for no-one
We go where no-one goes
We slow for no-one
We go where no-one
We go where no-one goes!

She ended her song with a wild call, a call of euphoria and pure joy.

And indeed, that was how everyone felt.

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