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Sooooooo I just remembered that I didn't tell you Cami's backstory. So this is what I'll do in this chapter, and a few facts about Camicazi as well. And well done to anyone who found my reference to the HTTYD books as well! And also, this is set before the Octonauts series, so Peso is younger than Cami but Camicazi is younger than the rest of the crew (except the Vegimals)! Sorry if I've already said that!

Ever since she was a small wolf pup, Camicazi Vengence, daughter of Heather and Thorne Vengence, had loved dragons. As soon as she could walk, her parents had taken her to bond with a dragon. Stormchaser. The Night Light hatchling had been looked after by its parents, the alpha and his queen, who were bonded with Cami's parents. Since that day, the two had never left each others' side. They had flown together, played together, worked together and even slept in the same room. Side by side, always.

Soon, it was time for Camicazi to leave the Hidden World for the first time, to go to school in England. She was given a phone, so she could stay in touch with her parents, but she never wanted it except to call Stormchaser. She had lots of friends, and lived with a friend of her parents when she wasn't at school. But during the holidays, she always returned to the Hidden World and stayed with Stormchaser until she had to leave again. But that changed when they turned eight.

Something about when dragons and other creatures bonded, was that it was "Bond together, Live together, Die together." That was the way.

Cami's mum fell ill. Deadly ill. Every day, the pair would scour the Hidden World , looking for herbs that could possibly help her. Nothing. Camicazi would lie in bed, listening to her mother's wheezing breathing in the next room. She knew that time was running out. One day, she returned from a particularly worried flight to find her father waiting for her. "Frost (Heather's dragon) has taken her body to Vanaheim. She's passed to Valhalla now, my little bewarewolf."

The days after that passed in a blur, only small parts of which Camicazi could remember. She spent all day in her room, Stormchaser curled around her, howling in anguish. Nobody tried to comfort her, as she would only cry harder. She returned to school, but found that working for the 11+ was harder than she had expected. And her father had become sadder too. He had stopped calling her his little bewarewolf, and became easily distracted, and sometimes listless. She wished he would be happier, and his dragon, Nighteye, too.

One day, she returned from school for the Easter holidays, to find her house empty except for Stormchaser. As soon as Cami's dragon saw her, she started scratching elder futhark runes in the ash in the fireplace: "Thorne has followed Heather to Vanaheim. He leaves love."

A letter lay on the table. It read:

"My dearest Camicazi.
I'm afraid I cannot fight the depression that your mother's death brought. I am on my way to join her in Valhalla. You must be braver than I have been. And you must be Guardian now. You must not leave the Hidden World. I've arranged with your headteacher to let you join lessons online, in a meeting. You and Stormchaser will be a brilliant guardian and alpha. Be strong, my little bewarewolf.
My biggest love, always from
Your dad, Thorne Vengence."

Cami was almost alone. Only her Night Light remained, who would be faithful to the end. It was a huge burden for a 10 year old to bear. She was the guardian now. And Stormchaser was the alpha. She always looked to the painting of Dragon Riders on her ceiling for comfort and courage, now more than ever.

This was how she lived until the Octonauts crashed into her lonely world.

10 things about Camicazi

1. She can't live without music . It filled the strange silence that occupied her life since her mother died. She will always have a pair of headphones strung around her neck, blasting music. She likes to think "It's always better in Nightcore!"

2. Her middle name is Astrid, after the dragon rider Astrid Hofferson. This is because her mother wanted her to be as strong as the fearless heroine.

3. She got her phone at the age of five. This was so she could stay in touch with her parents and dragon!

4, By this point, she doesn't know whether she's straight, bi, lesbian or anything else. She wants to work it out in her own time, for herself. But she is a fierce supporter of the LGBTQ+ community.

5. She and her (quite large) group of school friends are a group of people who protect other animals from poachers and hunters. They call themselves the Drowned Rats; Alice the lynx, Kat the black panther, Rosie the koala, Jasmine the tortoshell cat, Christina the rat, Hattie the Pomeranian, Lottie the ermine, Ella the mouse, and Cami. They all have different jobs and they know about the Hidden World, which is Cami's job.

6. She has a Wattpad account and loves creative writing!

7. Camicazi was brought up speaking both English and Old Norse, so she is fluent in both (see point 2 about the Dragons)

8. She is the world's biggest HTTYD fan. Ever. She can quote Tuffnut to insane length and knows the names of the best RTTE episodes.

9. At this point, she homeschools herself, and joins lessons in her school in England on a Microsoft Teams meeting.

10. She can't play Minecraft to save her life but loves the song "Mine Diamonds"!!!! (My friend showed me this in the bus, it's so bad it's good and I love it! I might need mental help?????)

10 things about the Dragons, guardians and the Hidden World:

1. The alpha dragon (in this case, Stormchaser) is the leader of the dragons, descended from the Night Fury Toothless and always bonds with a Wild wolf guardian.

2. The dragons can read, write, speak (sort of, maybe growl?) and understand Old Norse. That's how they communicate with the guardians.

3. Dragons respond differently to different types of music, colour and weirdly enough, styles of clothing. Or maybe it's just Stormchaser. Because she gets weird when Cami wears yellow.

4. On multiple occasions, there have been movie marathons with loads of dragons. Fun for all! (".....Not all actually. Just me!" -Tuffnut)

5. Dragons still go to Vanaheim when they feel like they're going to die, as do guardians.

6. The dragons have an annual celebration of the anniversary of Toothless becoming the alpha. There is a lot of formation flying and it's beautiful.

7. There's a stage of the Hidden World where dragons start to glow. So does dragon scale armour.

8. Neither sun, nor moon or stars shine in the Hidden World, but there are crystals that shine their own natural light.

9. Despite all the dragon fire, the Hidden World is actually a very cold place. Perfect for wild wolves!

10. You can't track any signal to the Hidden World. In fact, the chances of finding it on purpose or by accident without invitation is very low .

So that's some stuff I forgot. If you have any questions, comment. Don't forget to vote and share with friends!

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