The guardian and the alpha

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The octopod was silent. Everyone had been knocked out by the landing. Kwazii was the first to wake up. The first thing he sensed was that he was being watched. He glanced outside his window, but when he saw nothing, he went to wake the others up.

Dashi was in HQ, and when woken with cold water, immediately asked "What happened? Where's everyone else? Are we in immediate peril?" Kwazii replied"No , matey. But everyone else is unconscious."

They progressed around the Octopod, waking everyone up (the vegimals took a long time!). Every time they were alone, the Octonauts kept on feeling like someone was watching.

Camicazi was hiding in her Changewing skin cloak (Changewings are camouflaging dragons, btw)  watching the Octonauts. Nearby, Stormchaser  was hiding near what Cami thought must be the door, ready to surprise the crew of the strange vessel, if they came out.

Dashi stood in front of everyone else as they prepared to exit the Octopod and explore. She felt inexplicably guilty about the crash landing, and wanted to make sure that she did her best to make it up to everyone. She knew, she just knew that something was hiding outside, waiting to get them. Well, they'd have to get through her first.

"I've been entrusted to keep this world a secret. And I will. So what if I'm only twelve? So what if I'm the only wild wolf left to guard this world. I'm ready. I have to be." Camicazi thought. Her heart was thumping faster than the beat of one of the Nightcore songs she constantly had banging through her headphones. No-one had taught her how to deal with outsiders finding the Hidden World. Sure, she had left to go to school when both her parents had been there. And she had a phone. But both were keeping the Hidden World untraceable all the time. No-one had expected anyone to find her home-world. And she definitely hadn't expected to be alone when it happened. Stormchaser looked at her in concern; or rather at the place where the air was wavering like in a heatwave, where Cami was shaking. Alone.

The Octonauts stepped out of the Octopod . All of them were looking around for the strange presence that they had all sensed. Suddenly , a dark thing  unfolded its wings from around it and growled. It was a dragon! It was black all over except for its feet, which were gradient grey to white. Suddenly, the air rippled and a wolf came into view. Her fur was different shades of grey, with a bit of white and black on her, but she was wearing armour made fron what looked like dragon's scales. It matched the dragon perfectly.  "Greetings. My name is Camicazi Vengence and I'm the guardian of this place. Welcome to the Hidden World, the land where dragons live. Explain yourself to me. And be careful, if you make one wrong move, Stormchaser here, who happens to be the Alpha of Dragons, will blast you. And a dragon of her kind has once killed a full grown Viking man." She snarled.

Kwazii hissed at her: "And why should we, you little bitch?"

Camicazi muttered something to Stormchaser in a strange language, and the dragon shot a plasma blast near the Octonauts, knocking them off their feet. "That's why, you Scheißfotze."

Dashi gasped and whispered to Tweak "She called Kwazii something really rude!"

Captain Barnacles quickly intervened " My name's Captain Barnacles. I'm sorry about Kwazii, he's a bit defensive.  We got here because we were swept into the current of the waterfall. We didn't mean to come here, and we don't mean to stay. We just need help getting out."

The girl's confident demeanor crumbled as  she looked at her dragon. "I'm-I'm sorry. I'm just not used to people finding the Hidden World. I haven't really seen anyone else since my dad disappeared. And... I'm afraid I don't know how we can get your ship out of the waterfall. I don't know how to deal with this at all. "

She walked up to Stormchaser, who curled her tail around Camicazi protectively. "Anyway, I guess I should know your names." She said dejectedly.

Dashi stepped forwards "I'm Dashi, this is Tweak, Shellington, Peso, Captain Barnacles and Professor Inkling. And the Vegimals are onboard our ship, the Octopod. It's ok if you can't help. I get that it must be strange if you've lived here like this all your life."

Camicazi smiled. "Thanks. And don't be scared of Stormchaser here. She's a big softie really!"

After a bit more explanation, and a warning from Cami, the Octonauts headed back to the Octopod for the night. Camicazi walked back to her cave that her family had turned into a house. She had chosen a part frescoed with images of the dragon riders. Sometimes she liked to speak to the pictures, asking for advice. Tonight, she whispered "I don't know what to do. I wish I was really smart like you, Hiccup, or really brave like you Astrid, or that I was as social as you Thorstons. I need help."

So, hope you love it so far! Jsyk, Cami is twelve, but this is before the Octonauts series starts. So she is older than Peso, but younger than the others. Grrr I'm just gonna do an explanation and Cami's backstory chapter next. I'm not the best writer ever!

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