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Soooooo, this is a sort of 'Peso and my OC being siblings' oneshot. Also, I might write a bit less frequently for 2 reasons: 1. My mum is trying to ban my Wattpad......😬😫 And 2. I've been asked by my friends to dedicate my spare time into making a fanfic about some people.

Camicazi woke up with a start. For a blissful second, she thought it was a normal day in the Hidden World. And then she remembered about the whole Octonauts fiasco that she was supposed to be dealing with. She sighed and looked at her clock. 5:28.

Cami spent the next ten minutes trying and failing to sleep. Eventually, she got up and dressed. She brushed out her waves of long, almost black hair (fur?) and tied the usual miniature braids that she always put in her hair.

 She brushed out her waves of long, almost black hair (fur?) and tied the usual miniature braids that she always put in her hair

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She walked out of her cave-house and into the Hidden World. The natural light she'd by the crystals glowed magically, a sight that would never cease to amaze her. Blues, purples, reds, oranges and greens, all shedding their own aura of light over the land. The rock formations towered overhead, majestically, like a giant carved structure in the stone of a cathedral roof. (I have choir practice on Salisbury Cathedral, which is totally magnificent! You should go to a cathedral if you haven't already, because the carvings are extremely intricate and beautiful) The dark wasn't contrasting sharply with the light, it blended, so that the shadows were edged with their own glow. This was her home, a lonely, beautiful world inhabited only by dragons and herself. "This is my world, it's where I love to be. So much to see , so much to find." Cami murmured to herself.

Soon, she came to a lake, frozen over by the cold temperature of the world. This was a place where she came if she wanted to forget anything she worried about. She laced on a beautiful, delicate-seeming pair of skates ,and set out onto the ice .

Peso woke up wondering where he was. He remembered that he was in the Hidden World, full of dragons, and wondered if it had all been a dream. That strange wolf, Camicazi, she had said her name was, she was a live-wire. And surely he couldn't have dreamt that German insult she had called Kwazii. He looked out the window and saw a Gronkle flying past. Nope, not a dream. He decided to go and explore....alone.

He walked away from the Octopod, and further along the path he thought would be easiest to return along. It was quite cold, he noticed, just around 0°C, and most of the water he passed was frozen.

He approached another lake, and to his surprise, Camicazi was skating, alone, around it. (Start the Inside out music and play on repeat, at varying volume until the end of the chapter)

"Hi. You skate very well." Peso called to her. She whipped round, evidently surprised.

"Thanks. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Oh, I wanted to explore. Where's your dragon?" Peso replied, joining her on the ice.

Camicazi shrugged. "I didn't want to bother her this early. Besides, as much as I love her, it's sometimes nice to be alone with only my thoughts keeping me company." 

Peso suddenly said "Oh, do you want me to leave you alone then? I can... If you want?"

Cami smiled. "No. You're nice. And you're the only person who knows about here besides me."

Peso returned the smile. "So, how did you end up protecting this place alone? Must be hard."

Camicazi stopped. "Oh, um. My mum died when I was eight. My dad... Committed suicide two years ago. He didn't like being so alone and thought that I'd be better off without him. I'm not though."

Peso stopped skating and stared at her. "Oh, I'm sorry. It must be really hard."

Camicazi nodded, trying hard not to start to cry. "So, anyway, how did you end up as an...Octonaut, right?"

Peso realised she didn't want to talk about her parents deaths. "Oh, I'm a medic. I got recruited by Professor Inkling, the octopus on our team. He's a bit old, and he doesn't really get tech." He laughed.

Cami laughed too. "Oh my Thor! My English teacher is really bad with her computer! (Not based on any real person. Just making it clear)  She's always trying to get me on the video meeting online and half the time, she turns off screen share so I can't see the PowerPoint!"

"So you're homeschooled? Gosh, during COVID, I had to homeschool my little brother Pinto and he never actually did anything. It was... Exasperating! How do you do it?" Peso asked.

"Patience, self-rewarding and good music, especially the How To Train Your Dragon soundtrack. Best ever for any occasion!" She replied enthusiastically.

They carried on talking and skating for a long time, telling each other about their life, and things like that.

Suddenly, Stormchaser flew over and swooped down next to Cami. "Hey, Peso. Wanna come flying?" The wolf said, a twinkle in her storm-grey eyes.

"Really? Flying? On Stormchaser? Yes!"

They mounted, and Stormchaser shot into the air. Cami exhaled. "I could never get tired of flying over this place. Feels free. "
Peso couldn't speak, he was so impressed and happy. This was a whole world he'd never even known about before. "It's beautiful!" He whispered in awe.

They flew together like this until they reached the Octopod. It felt like forever.

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