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Tianna's pov💕:

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Tianna's pov💕:

I slowly opened my eyes wincing as the bright light over my head pierced through my skull

I sat up with a start, my lower abdomen throbbing in protest

"Ah!" I gasped, clutching my stomach as I swung my legs over the side of the narrow yet oddly-shaped bed

My gaze fell on the scattered spots of dried blood on my skin, and my mind raced to piece together the events that had led me here

Next to the bed, a metal tray held a bloodstained clamp and a pair of latex gloves, the sight of which made my heart race and my head spin

I struggled to remember what had happened, my mind was in a completely blank state

As I shifted around the room, my vision blurred and the pain in my abdomen intensified

I stumbled, my knees buckling, and my hand shot out to grab the bedpost for support

Just then, the door burst open, and two figures entered

One was a woman in a white coat, her face a mask of professionalism, while the other was my mother her eyes red-rimmed and puffy

"Mommy?" I whispered, my voice shaking

"Tianna, I'm so sorry I had to do this" she spoke, her voice cracking as she sniffle

"Do what?" I asked, my mind reeling with confusion, the pain in my abdomen heightening

The doctor stepped forward, holding out a small tray containing a tiny, fragile form "Look Tianna" she said gently "This is your-"

I turned my face away, tears streaming down my face as I knelt down, burying my face in my knees

"How yuh fi do dis?" I cried, my body shaking with anguish

"How yuh fi do dis mummy?"

My mother's voice was a distant echo, calling my name as I cried and gasped for air as my world shatter into a million pieces




"Yuh know how long mia call yuh badman" Teejay's voice pierced through my haze as I slowly opened my eyes

I blinked, disoriented, and looked down at my lap

I was still wearing my school uniform, a familiar sight that grounded me in reality

It was just a dream

More like nightmare

I rubbed my head, trying to shake off the lingering fogginess

It was just a dream, But the memory of it still lingered in my mind

It felt real

A little bit too real

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