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Tianna's pov💕:

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Tianna's pov💕:

My eyes remained fixed on Rajairo, my mind struggling to process things

My ex? potentially the love of my life is my stepbrother?

What in the stepbro i'm stuck type shit is this?

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that the person who holds a piece of my heart, Who had seen every inch of my body is now my stepbrother?

The room seemed to shrink, the air thickening with tension

I felt as if I was suffocating, like the weight of this was crushing me

Rajairo's gaze held mine

I wanted to look away, to escape the intensity of this moment, but my eyes refused to budge

The silence between us was deafening

I looked away from his gaze, choking on my own spit I coughed trying to clear my airway

Yuh mean fi tell mi seh...

Murda tblct Samantha

"Do you two know each other?" His father asked, his eyes scanning between us, a hint of curiosity and suspicion in his tone


"No" He sat down, drawing the chair closer to the table, his abrupt response cutting me off

Mi shame

Shame a kill mi

"Wi just gah the same school" he added

"but Teejay a mi dupes" he dapped him up

"Oh suh uno do know each other" my mother smiled

"Its good to know that the Children get along well so we can..."

I found myself transfixed by him and just him, scanning his features

My senses overwhelmed by the scent of his cologne

My heart was racing with a mix of nostalgia and longing

He still managed to make my pulse race effortlessly, even after all this time

Memba a yuh stepbro...




Rajairo's gaze remained fixed on his phone as he rapidly typed a message

Wonder a which gyal him deh text

He muttered a brief excuse, his tone detached as he rose from his seat

his tall frame gliding away from the table with a quiet self-assurance that left me feeling both intrigued and apprehensive

As Rajairo didn't come back, I started to feel worried

Fidgeting around I wondered what was wrong, I kept looking at the entrance hoping he'd return

"Mia gah bathroom" I leaned in close to my mother and said and she responded with a subtle nod

I got up from the chair and went through the elevator down to the first floor, As the elevator doors opened, I stepped out into the lobby, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of Rajairo

Imagine mi seh mia gah bathroom and a man mi come look fah

I pushed opened the door and stepped out into the cold night breeze, scanning the area outside the restaurant for him, but the place was empty

I want to tell him about what happened with Jayquan but does it even matter now that his father and my mother are together?

I walked out onto the road and looked left then right, and then I saw him, his back turned to the direction I was coming from

He was standing under a streetlight, his figure illuminated in the darkness, and I could sense a bit of tension in his posture, as if he was waiting for something or someone

I quickened my pace, my feet clicking on the pavement as I approached him

As I drew nearer to him, my heart raced with anticipation and One fixed goal

I reached out to him, grasping his arm pulling him into a warm hug expecting him to reciprocate but instead, he resisted , his body was stiff and uncompromising

With a firm pressure he pushed me away, creating a distance between us

I stumbled back, my words caught in my throat as I looked deep into his eyes

I battled to contain my emotions, my eyes fluttering open and then close in and attempt torid the tears that were forming

"I-" I stopped mid sentence seeing a girl appearing from out of nowhere placing her arms around him encircling him in a warm hug that he returned


She snuggled closer to him, her head nestled in his chest Then she turned to face me

I recognized who it was, it was Janae

Her eyes locked unto mine and mine locked unto hers as if we were in a staring competition

Dis nuh worth it, afterall him ago be mi stepbrother

I let out a soft, nonchalant hiss, with deliberate calmness I turned around and walked back to the restaurant, my arms folded tightly under my breast as if it is to contain the emotions

I ask the waiter where the bathroom was and went

As I looked at myself in the mirror I started to cry leaning on the counter for support

I took a deep breath in and out collecting myself

I turned on the faucet and washed my face with some cold water I then dried it with a paper towel

I threw the damped towel into the bin and walked out

"You mi jhuss a come look fah eno" Teejay spoke

"Oh" I simply say

"Ah wahm to yuh?" He ask and my vision blurred with tears as I tried to keep my emotions in check

"Nothing" I answered, my voice trembling

"Ah wah Rajairo do?" His voice laced with concern as he asked, his hand grasp my elbow in a firm hold turning it upwards, I looked up at him and a single tear rolled down my cheeks

"Teejay jhuss lowe mi nuh" I said tugging my elbow out of his grasp

"Aii cool" he walks away

"And mummy seh she ready" he added

I walked out of the restaurant and to where my mother's car was parked

I turned my head to look at her and saw that she was talking to Rajairo's father by his car

I stopped Infront of the car just a few inches away from Teejay as we stood in complete silence not even sparing a glance once

"Teejay mi sorry it's just that-"

"It gov man" he said, before I could finish

I took a deep breath and spoke "while ago mi see Rajairo dung desso a hug up Janae" I sniffled, leaning my head against his shoulder

"Uno can gwaan inah the car" my mother shouted using her key to open it

The car made a noise signifying it was open and we went inside sitting down




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