Chapter 13 - Communion / Instilling Horror

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Kotori sits on the table chair, a cup of tea sitting in front of her. The steam of the tea rose and roused her scent. She thinks about what happened yesterday.


Reine: "What concerns you, Commander?"

Kotori: "What concerns me is <The Gardener>, Reine I need you to hear me out."

Reine: "I'm listening. . ."

Kotori: "Y/N or The Traveler as she calls herself. I don't think she's a spirit, at all."

Reine looks at Kotori in a questioning manner, Reine had her suspicions as well, but couldn't base them on anything inherently wrong.

Reine: "What makes you think that Commander?"

Kotori takes out one singular triangular shape that glows with otherworldly power, placing it on the table, its radiance almost lighting up the room.

Kotori: "The scientists over at headquarters couldn't scan the energy, their powerful algorithms and Neural networks couldn't tell what the hell this is. It's like the very nature of this energy is beyond what any machine could comprehend. This doesn't happen with Spirit Power."

Reine: "What about realizer-assisted equipment?"

Kotori: "That yielded the same results, couldn't comprehend it."

Kotori places various files on the table next to Reine. The head analyst grabs the files and reads through them. Reading all the notes left by the confused researchers.

Kotori: "This energy source the Traveler emits. . . It's different from Spirit Mana."

Reine: "What's the difference?"

Kotori: "Its nature is completely unknown, Spirit Mana is powerful and able to bend the laws of physics to do some pretty powerful things, that's the whole reason why Spirits are so dangerous. But the Traveler's Spirit Mana is completely different, I don't even think it's Spirit Mana. It doesn't just bend the rules, it breaks and creates new ones, this energy doesn't even abide by any logic, it's chaotic."

Kotori: "Obviously I wanted more research on the Traveler's unique energy. Anomalously, everyone coined a science mumbo jumbo term for this energy's unique nature."

Reine: "What would the term be?"

Kotori: "Paracausal."

Kotori: "The Traveler's power completely subverts our known laws of physics, it can bend, rend, break, or even. . . create new laws of physics never thought of or seen. Reine. . . This power is completely beyond Spirit Power. . ."

Reine: "You're alluding to something Commander. . ."

Kotori brings out another file, this one significantly more thick than the last. She places in front of Reine, the analyst staring at the stack of paper. She flips the file open and is met with countless pictures of ancient stones and tablets of different civilizations, accompanied by statistics and satellite pictures of the various terrestrial planets in the solar system, showing each one of them that their atmospheres are changing. Reine looks at Kotori confused a little shocked.

Kotori: "Reine, tell me. . . How much do you believe in gods?"


Sipping her tea, Kotori looks at her big brother. Shido is sitting next to the table, cradling a small orb of Light. The same Piece of the Traveler levitating beside him like a fairy. She thinks to herself, ever since the Traveler came. Her big brother started acting strangely, quieter around the Traveler, shifting and looking the other way with a blush on his face every time Y/N would look at him. And now that her big bro has the Traveler's power proxy by the piece of the Traveler.

Being the Traveler, literally (Date a Live x Destiny 2 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now