Chapter 1 - I hate Destiny 2, it's my favorite game.

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"Bro is going Mach 10!!!"

"Shatterdive is back."

I love reading the messages of those I make my victims. My Shatterskate glaive build. the Darkness doesn't have shit on me!


"Typical hunter. . ."

"Man, the crucible sucks ass now."

My hunter traverses through the Eternity Map, going at Mach 10 speed throwing and shattering Stasis grenades. meleeing anyone I fly by.

God, I need to take a shower. . .

I'm Y/N, I'm a sweaty hunter main. I like to terrify people in trials of osiris and regular crucible. I get no bitches whatsoever, zero play. and I live in my parents' basement, they don't mind though. I pay rent and keep their house clean, I can stay whenever I want. I could work hard, make a living, and rise the ranks of society. . . BUT!!! that shit ain't fun, so I spend my days playing and watching Destiny 2 content.

It's not all bad, I mean. . . kind of. I've got like 500,000 dollars stored somewhere in this basement, so I'm set for now. Yes, I share it with my parents, I'm kind to them, and yes my parents are nice people, the sweetest people you can meet. Yes, I half failed them and half succeeded. I'm a proficient hard worker able to succeed in manual labor and somewhat difficult jobs. Although I'm that hardworking when hustling and gaining money, I mostly spend my time playing games, it's what I do.

My parents, and sometimes my sister, don't mind that at all, but ultimately they're okay with it.

"Lore Accurate Hunters."

"Bungo please patch this. . ."

Oh yeah, I'm still playing Crucible. Let me finish this match. . .

Several Minutes later. . .

Y/N: "New Expansion?! The Final Shape!?"

The new trailer and showcase for Destiny 2 The Final Shape got me a little fiddly, My beloved Radiance is coming back! The weapons are cool, no new darkness subclass though. . . it's probably going to come in one of the "Episodes". hopefully.


I hear a feminine voice call out to me, Ah yes, the food that I ordered for everyone. I craved Chinese takeout, so I ordered it online and have it delivered here. god bless Uber Eats or some other delivery service. I get up from my gaming chair, and head upstairs.

???: "There you are, food came in."

My sister is also Hard-working. also provides for the family like I do, except she is more hands-on than me. Want to know a depressing fact? No? too bad you are going to hear it.

There were supposed to be 5 older siblings, sadly complications happened and my sister and I survived only. Depressing I know. But we moved on, so anyway. My sister is the hard-working and brash type, who won't shy away from calling you out or making light jabs at you. You know, sibling insults.

Sherry: "Finally got out of your manhole?"

Y/N: "Funny. Still made more money than you."

Sherry: "I'll reach you, someday."

Y/N: "That someday will be never."

Sherry: "Hmph!"

Sherry: "When are you going to go out, and get a girlfriend hm?"

Y/N: "Never, Feminism ruining everything at the moment."

Sherry: "At least have friends."

Y/N: "I do have friends, Sherry, it's the boys."

Sherry: "I mean real-life friends, ones you can meet in person with."

Y/N: "Sherry, you know why I don't have real-life friends. . ."

Sherry: "Yeah I know, it's just. . . You're always down there, in the basement playing games, alone, I'm tired of seeing you waste away down there."

Y/N: "Sherry I'm not wasting away, I'm doing what I like doing, playing games, I still come up and hustle and bring in money for you guys, isn't that enough?"

Sherry: "Doing just that isn't enough Y/N, what about you? Ever since that lockdown you've been trapped there for 3 years now."

Y/N: "Let's us just eat. . . We'll talk more about this later. Please call Mom and Dad."

Sherry goes to call our parents. Sherry always cares about me, sometimes too much. but ever since the lockdown back in 2020, everything kind of just stopped for me. Jobs became non-existent. And my motivation died that year. That was when I started playing Destiny, And met my fire team.

During the Lockdown, we used to play together a lot, When Beyond Light and its raid dropped. we would stay up and play non-stop. do challenges, get exotics, and speculate about the lore, I've always been enamored by The Traveler. But those times are over, everyone moved on when the lockdown ended, jobs came back, school came back. Responsibility. . . came back.

My friends left one by one, leaving me alone to play. I couldn't blame them, I was envious of them as well. They moved on with their lives, and probably some of them even became successful. They moved on so quickly, too fast for me to follow. and then we drifted apart, I could hardly remember their usernames or how they acted, it was that fast and long ago.

Sherry comes back with Mom and Dad.

M/n: "Y/N, I hope you came up here to spend time with us, aren't you?"

F/n: "Heya, Kiddo, going to eat with us today?"

Y/N: "Yeah, might as well."

Sherry: "Let's eat."

My sister, Dad, Mom, and I sit down to eat our food, mostly talking about what is happening in the world. expressing our opinions about it. we laughed and made some good commentary.

But now it is time to clean up and head to bed, or so I thought.

Y/N: 'Why do I taste iron?'

Sherry: "Is something wrong Y/n?"

My chest starts to hurt, and my eyes burn. my muscles feel like they're tearing apart. red liquid starts to pour out of my mouth. What is going on? I fell to the floor, I feel tired. Am. . . Am I dying? Sherry and our parents with panicked faces run over to me, my vision getting blurry. But I had so much more to do!

The blurry images of my sister and my parents appear as they call emergency services. and then all turns to black.

. . .

. . .

. . .

And then I suddenly wake up?

In a crater filled with Plant life.

Being the Traveler, literally (Date a Live x Destiny 2 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now