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July 2nd, 2038

    "It's been 2 weeks since local resident Alycia Carey was taken from her diner job. Police have found no new evidence to where she is or where she's gone. Further investigations continue on tonight along with a word from local detectives," the laptop spoke. Asher watching intently. "Thank you everyone for coming out this evening. My detectives, my self and the local police department are heavily looking for this missing woman. We would just like you all to be aware we have reasons to suspect that she was in fact taken by the unknown serial killer No Name."

    The video panes out to gasps echoing from the crowd. The audience then roars into questions from and right. The detective puts his hand up, the crowd going silent.

    "I can take a few questions at the end. But all we know is this isn't their usual memo. We have reason to believe Ms. Carey is alive. But her whereabouts is questionable. But we won't stop looking."

   "Asher?" Olivette's voice speaks up in a whisper. Asher jumps and slams the laptop shut. His head flies up, his curls bouncing along as his eyes lock with his sister's in the dark. Olivette closes the door and crouches down heading over. The two in their mother's little space again. Asher sighs relieved it's just his twin sister and lifts the screen back up once Olivette sits down beside him. The two sit in the back where they found Alycia's paintings and a box with some to little information about the kidnapping.

    "You're going to drive yourself mad with this," Olivette whispers, taking a glance at the screen.

    "I'd rather drive myself mad then be kept in the dark," Asher whispers back. "But I found some stuff out with the internet."

    "The thing mum forbids us to go on," Olivette whispers. Asher nods silently, holding onto the laptop. "Is that Aunt Everlynn's? She's going to know we took it Asher."

    "I'll clear the search history or something. She won't know." Asher shrugs, his eyes going back to the screen. Olivette stays quiet and looks at it too now. Both their eyes scanning anything they could possibly see till a video comes up. "A court case?" 

    "Click it," Olivette says as Asher shakily moves the mouse pad over and clicks the play button. The video starts to play. Both of their sets of green eyes watch as the camera pans around the room then zooms in on a person with longish unmaintained hair. A cocky look on their face as their eyes look around. "Who is that?" 

    "Um..." Asher's eyes dance all around. The camera panning around again before the doors burst open on the video. The twins jump and in comes Alycia screaming. Their eyes go wide as they watch their mother and then notice how the camera pans to the person. A smirk spreading their lips as they watch the reaction of Alycia. Asher squints his eyes. Olivette shakes her head. 

    "Ash... That's the person who took mum," Olivette whispers. The camera pans back to their mother being taken out of the courtroom before going back to the person. The video pausing on them. Asher and Olivette staying in silence as the smirk and stare of the person's eyes stare back at them. "God, please turn it off." 

   "Y/n Williams," Asher whispers. Olivette picks her head up from her brother's shoulder and looks at him. His eyes glued to the person on the screen. "That's their name. Y/n Williams. It says, 'Y/n Williams was found guilty on multiple accounts of rape, kidnapping, 1st and 3rd degree murder. They broke out of prison months prior and was seen back with Alycia Carey when found shot and bleeding out." 

    Olivette's eyes go wide. "Wh-What?" 

   "While the details are slim and the FBI won't give details, it's said that Alycia Carey had been kidnapped once again and finally shot her captor while pregnant." 

   "Oh my god..." 

  Asher slowly scrolls down the page. "Ms. Carey was helped out of a bunker with high tech equipment and drugs involved. The woman appeared to have been beaten and restrained. Bruising around the wrists and ankles indicate so. Along with the intensive bruising and bleeding all up and down her body." 

   "Is Y/n Williams dead or alive?" Olivette quickly asks. Asher gulps. His stomach twists as he opens a new tab and types in the name. A ton of things pop up immediately about the person. Both the siblings look, scanning what they can when Asher just clicks on one of the links. It opens up fairly quickly. Their eyes scan the page and Asher picks his hand up from the mousepad pointing to the sentence, trailing it word by word as he reads out loud. 

   "Y/n Williams is alive but their location is unknown. But they are locked up. FBI will not release any information about the killer's location," Asher whispers slowly dropping his hand. "This is insane." 

    "Now I know why mum didn't want us on the internet," Olivette whispers. She reaches forward and slowly closes the laptop. Asher doesn't stop her. He lets her and hides the laptop under a box. The two sit in silence staring off into space letting some of the information sink in. But what's stuck in both of their minds was the image of Y/n Williams and the devilish looking smirk they wore from ear to ear. 

    "But why keep this from us? Why not tell us? I mean is that our..." Asher lets his voice trail and Olivette's eyes go wide. 

   "It can't be. But...No, it can't," Olivette fights with herself, slowly pulling her knees up to her chest. Her arms slowly wrap around her knees. She clenches her jaw and looks dead ahead into the dark. They were sat in the dark, the computer screen no longer lighting it up. 

    "O, it could be though. You heard the charges. Mum was- I don't want to say it," Asher whispers, dropping his head. His curls shaking as he drops it. "We need more information." 

    "More information? Asher we just found a ton of stuff and now you want more?" Olivette turns her head to her twin brother. "If we go searching for whatever answers, we're most likely going to find information we don't want. This could be...dangerous. Hell, this Y/n Williams could be out there on the loose still. They could be lying that they're locked up." 

     "They're locked up," Asher decides, picking up his head. His eyes trail to his sister's. "If they weren't mum along with us would probably be with them." 

Fine Line {A.D.C x you} Book IIIWhere stories live. Discover now