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July 8th, 2038

      "Can you stop for a second?" Asher asks grabbing his sister's arm and rushing ahead of her. Olivette stops and looks at her twin brother. Her eyes are soft, but angry. Her brows furrowed. "Olivette I know it's hard. Seeing all of that is-"

"Is stuff we shouldn't have seen. Mum is trying to forget and us going through her things without her knowledge isn't acceptable. We were raised better than that Asher!" Olivette's voice is strong and worried. But also a hint of something else. Fear? Perhaps. She looks back and forth between her brother's eyes shaking her head. "You saw those things and you still want to know more. Mum went through hell and back. There was blood on her clothes for god sakes Asher. We saw her taken. God only knows what she endured during the time captive."

Asher stays quiet for a second nodding his head. "I know."

"Do you? Because you're so hyper fixated on all this shit! I saw the way you looked Asher at the stuff you found! You keep getting stuff into your head and you can't let it go until you solve something! This isn't something to solve! It's real life!" Olivette's passionate as she speaks, her head shaking from side to side. Asher stands still, looking at her with soft eyes. He knew deep down she was right. She usually was and sometimes he hated that but also knew it's what made her, her.

     "I get you want to figure all this out. You want to in a way help mum but Asher, we can't." Olivette lifts her shoulders then drops them. Her eyes flicking swiftly back and forth between her twin brother's eyes. "I love mum. She's all we got. Us three. And quite honestly I don't think I want to keep digging shit up. We just found out our aunt is our mother's kidnappers sister."

   Asher nods. "I know, okay I know but... Don't you think we're owed the truth? Olivette Y/n could be our-"

    "Our what? Our father? Our other parent. Asher no."

    Asher looks down. A sadness washing over the boy. The topic of their other parent wasn't something Alycia wanted to discuss with the twins. She always directed the conversation away. Both Olivette and Asher have asked, searching for answers as they began getting older. Asher a little bit more than Olivette but each time they were shot down.

"You're not at all curious about who it is?" Asher asks, his voice lowered. He looks down at the ground. His twin sister, looking away from him. A low sigh escapes Olivette's lips as she reaches up her hand and runs it through her hair.

"Honestly it's never really mattered to me-" The girl pauses, shrugging. "Sure I thought about it but I had you and we had mum. We've only ever had mum so I didn't see anything wrong with anything else."

Asher nods slowly. "It's just weird mum always stirs away from the topic."

Olivette goes quiet and slowly looks at her brother. Asher's eyes still on the ground. "Asher..."

"Hmm?" Asher hums lifting his head, his eyes lifting to meet his sisters soft, questioning eyes. He raises a brow and tilts his head.

"What if we... We weren't supposed to be like-" Olivette pauses her eyes instantly coming to tears. Asher questions his sister, taking a step forward. But Olivette steps back. "What if someone hurt her and accidentally got... g-got her pregnant?"

An almost eerie silence takes over in the space between the twins. Even everything around them goes silent. The two stare at one another. Giving each other looks, silent glances. There's no words that could honestly fill the hole that both of their hearts made. The way both of their stomachs sank as Olivette's realization plays over and over inside their heads.

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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