
118 9 5

July 2nd, 2038

     The smell of bacon and eggs fills the cottage. Asher's sat on the deck, his green eyes darting around. His mind filled with all the things it shouldn't be. After last night and what him and his twin sister found he couldn't quite get rid of the horrid thoughts dwelling inside of his mind. He couldn't let go of the fact his mother was kidnapped. Couldn't let go of the fact his mother had to endure whatever she had to endure. And he couldn't stop thinking about all the things his mother has gone through. 

     His stomach twists. His two hands gripping the wooden porch on either side of him. His green eyes on the grass in front of him letting the thoughts roll through like thunder roaring high in the sky. Yet the sky was nothing but clear this morning. Inside his mind however was a raging storm he didn't know how to get rid of. Not without his mother, but Asher knew he couldn't bring this up. Neither could Olivette. 

    "Hey sweetheart," a voice spoke. Asher's head lifts up swiftly. His green eyes meeting his mother's soft ones. 

    "Mum," he whispers out. Alycia stands with her suitcase in one hand. She takes one look at the boy and slowly tilts her head to the side. Her small smile she wore slowly disappears as Asher goes to stand. 

    "Mum!" Olivette's voice rings out. The door slams shut as she runs off the deck, past her brother and to her mother. Alycia's eyes tear from Asher and to Olivette just as the girl gets to her mother. The two instantly hug. A comfort for both of them. Asher stays seated a second longer, trying to subdue the thoughts running in his head knowing if he doesn't his mother is prone to ask questions. She could read her children like books anytime something was up. This time wouldn't be any different. Asher knew that. 

     "Hey angel," Alycia whispers to her daughter, squeezing tightly before slowly breaking apart. "My look at my beautiful girl." Alycia's hands gently squeeze Olivette's arms. Her right hand lifts up and tucks a loose strand of Olivette's hair behind the girl's hair. She pulls her hand back and cups the girl's cheek letting her thumb loosely rub back and forth. A small smile spreads against Alycia's lips. 

      "Where'd you go?" Olivette asks. Asher now standing, feeling his hands shake as he does. He pushes himself over to his sister and mother. Olivette sees her brother out of the corner of her eye and steps over a bit causing Alycia's hand to drop from the girl's face. Her other hand dropping too as her green eyes go to her son. 

      "Come on O. She just got back," Asher gently warns in a way. His eyes darting to his sister. The two share a complicated look but an understanding look for them between each other. Alycia's eyes flick between the two. After a second of the looks back and forth, Asher takes his eyes off his sister and to his mother. He says nothing and instead steps forward. He wraps his arms gingerly around the woman. The moment he does he feels his mother wrap her arms around him, squeezing him tightly. He closes his eyes and takes the moment. At times he's taken a hug for granted or refused even if the three are super close. Sometimes it felt smothering for the boy. He was different then his sister in more ways than one. More recently he didn't want all the hugging. All the softness of it all. But right now, knowing the little he does now... He wants nothing but the hugs from his mother. Nothing but happiness. 

     "You okay Ash?" Alycia whispers into the boy's ear. Asher's eyes slowly open. His vision looking out into the open area. The place he's called home for 15 years. The place they've all called home for 15 years. 

     "I'm okay mum. I missed you is all," Asher responds back, giving one last squeeze before pulling away. When he does Alycia looks at him. He looks at her. The two look at each other and there's a sense of question in the mother's eyes as Asher forces a small smile onto his face. He nods and steps back so now him and his sister were in Alycia's view. "Aunt Everlynn made breakfast. You should eat." 

Fine Line {A.D.C x you} Book IIIWhere stories live. Discover now