Ch 1. C

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His pov
I wake up to the blasting music for the fifth time this morning. It's sickening. Muffling the noise with my pillow is definitely not working in fact I'm unsure if it's possible but I somehow made it louder?

I groan loudly into the pillow covering my face.
Today is the first day of our two week break from hockey practice after our last brutal game. And nothing sounded better than milking in the sweet feeling of sleep.

I stir in my bed considering if getting up is worth not going back to sleep.

I sit up contemplating my options and just as I decide to hide under layers of pillows not that it's possible to fall asleep again, my door flies open and a steaming Ryder stands in the door way.

"Hey princess" I remark and he gives me a sharp glare with his eyes anyone else would be terrified from but I can't help but smirk. "What?" I ask fully aware of the next words that are going to come out of his mouth

"Shut it down." He growls.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I drag. Ryder is a serious jackass and one thing he is very serious about is his beauty sleep. A department apparently not only I am struggling in.

He flips me off. " you know what I am talking about. This is unacceptable. We have rules. I thought one was no girls roaming alone. Especially girls named Claire Rhodes." I can swear his eye twitches. Just as the corner of my lips threaten to lift he rolls his eyes "I will move out. And not take you with me" he threatens

Nope. absolutely not.

I clear my throat and stand up. Quickly I pull over a plain black shirt paring it with the grey sweats I was already in. Brushing past him I walk into Jake's room.

he lies against the headboard asleep at least until I shake him awake. Once's he's semi coherent I pull him by the ear and lead him down the stairs.

"Ow ow ow ow what the hell" he yells at. I don't bother responding. Until he meets the sight of his gf Claire who's in her pajamas blasting some ridiculous music at 6 am. Trying the learn some silly dance.

"Did you even sleep" he asks her

She turns around startled by the sight of us three.

"I'll sleep later"

"We can't sleep later." I glance down at the remote on the couch

She follows my sight and we both lunge to it. She was closer is my only reasoning. I roll my eyes and point at the tv

"This is the stupidest thing you could be playing"

She gasps as If I told her she was dying. Pain and hurt. I'm insulting some girl band but apparently to her that's basically the equivalent

"Callahan I let you slide with a lot of shit. But don't you dare keep calling them stupid- and stop calling them a girl band they don't fucking play instruments. They sing and they dance."

"Well Clarissa" that's not her real name but it pisses her off just as much as people saying my full first name pisses me off, "your girl band and your whatever needs to begin after 2 pm. When everyone in the house is awake"

"But- Jake!" She gives her boyfriend those pitiful eyes

Before he can even turn to me I shake my head no and he turns back to her in surrender.
Being team captain has its perks.

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