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Like I said before junior year is a struggle. Maybe Ryder had the right idea taking time off for the first semester. 

We had particle starting Monday but luckily it's was hust a team meeting. Establishing game plans. The schedule extra. Mandatory of course. But it allows the team to get one last hangover in. At least for the ones who decide not to drink during the reason (which technically is a rule but you know how college guys are)

Connor cooked pancakes for us this morning to show his appreciation for giving him a room.

Technically he claimed it and left us no room for discussion but, he cooks.

Truth is Connor was originally supposed to be rooming with us but then he commuted to a relationship. Then rebounded with her best friend? Then her sister? Point is he kept moving house to house. Guess this time he has no rebound. Hence our current situation

"I'm not eating that." Ryder  eyes the platter of fresh pancakes with a look of disgust

His eyes travel to me widening in disbelief as I take a bite.

"Why not?" Connor signs in disappointment, he and Ryder get along but Ryder is....well he's him
"My body is a temple I'm not putting that packaged bullshit in it. You know how many chemicals are in it?" He shutters in horror crossing his arms
"You won't eat ready to go pancakes but you'll eat out more then twice a week at any place possible?"
"Desperation. And I only eat at places I've researched"

I roll my eyes joining the conversation "it's true. He wouldn't even try in and out when we visited California because he believed it was processed junk that would taste worse the eating feces- his words not mine." I continue taking large and quick bites
Ryder smiles beside me proud of my repetition of his actions.
"So yo didn't try in and out?" Connor ask
"No turns out it was clean enough for me" he smirks
Connor shakes his head and joins me in eating his delicious pancakes.

"I'll see you guys after class" I head out to make sure I'm not late on my first day.

According to my advisor If I don't pass this class it'll make  my future ones more difficult. Not to mention any grade lower than a c means I'm suspended from the team.

Most people assume college athletes have it easy that we get easy A's for winning a game. Some schools do. But ours? Guess we pulled the short straw. Or whatever that saying is.

We live a 5 minute drive away from campus so it's convenient to for our attendance.

I walk in and take a seat fourth row to the back. A couple people have filed in but it's still partly empty.

Ryder is taking psych 105 but his class is Thursdays and it was full by the time I found out I had to take a psych class.

Professed Laing introduced himself not that it's needed really. He's known for being tough but his assignments are pretty simple- supposedly at least

Ryder had him last year he said they were basic just a lot All at once. But the midterm? A killer.

A tiny feeble knock  sounds in the doorway. It's hearable but I'm sure people are too scared to even move.

Laing stops his presentation as the knock gets louder. He pulls the door and a familiar dark haired girl stumbles in

"Sorry" she mumbles

"It's fine" he rolls his eyes "take a seat. And if it wasn't clear. You're late."

Ella? Emma? Whatever her name was
Elaine. I know her name.

I watch her as her eyes focus on the floor. She plays with her fingers nervously before sitting down right in front of me.

She acts like she's never been in a school before. I've never seen someone so nervous just walking to their seat.
Not even noticing me she sits right infront of me.

The next two hours are hell.
I yawned at least 10 times. So far he just went over the courses basic and overviews on what we will study and what he expect , plus his grading process etc.

By the time he dismisses us everyone seems too groggy for even move. That doesn't  stop them from speeding out the door.

Elaine is in front of me as we walk down the staircase.

A girl  screeches causing  everyone to stop walking and me to bump into the back of Elaine.

She topples forward but I grab her forearm keeping her up right

She looks behind her to get a look at me and once she notices me she pulls her hand out my grip. "Sorry she scared me"

I don't get to reply as the girl who screamed turns to her friend. "They just announced Kiara Sunday is going to be on a break for an undetermined amount of time!"

I roll my eyes "all that for some lousy pop star?" I mumble shaking my head as everyone continues walking

"Lousy?" Elaine looks at me curiosity filling her face
"Yea, my roommates girl plays their music at 6 am, I can't stand them. They're not even that good"
A smile tugs at the corner of her lips but she quickly suppresses
"What?" I ask furrowing my brows
"They are a bit lousy- the songs" she agrees
"At least we can be on the same page" we both stand by the door watching that girl basically have a mental breakdown over her Delma. "That blonde, the one that everyone's crying about?"
"Lousiest of the group for leaving like that" I notice how her shoulders stiffen
"Problem with famous people?" She asks
"Just the superficial ones" I shrug

She nods giving me a polite smiling just before professed Laing asks her to come speak with him. "I'll see you later" she waves walking towards him

In confused on how she was able to join the course 3 weeks in but god she's stunning.

Even when nervous she knows how to walk in a way that gets everyone's attention. 

I know she has mine.

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