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I woke up countless times. The pills make me drowsy but not enough to sleep for a while at once.

Probably should have learned his name before I agreed to split the bed. But I hate putting people out and asking for things. I really didn't mind unless he turned out to be a serial killer but I would have killed my self if I drove home so it seemed like a good option.

It's 8 am and he's still asleep
I feel awkward moving and I don't want to be walking around in someone's house alone. So I'm just sitting there.

"Where is he?"
"You shouldn't go in there"

The door flies open and a tall platinum blonde stands in the door way. She's skinny but still curvy in the places most people crave.  Lucky in her front area and from my angle the back too.

"Callahan!" She screams and he stumbles off the bed at  her high pitch voice

I throw the covers over me as if I've been caught in a terrible situation. Only now realizing the pillows aren't there. Shit I shouldn't have cuddled one. This looks bad.

"What are you doing here?" He asks raspy.
"Is that a girl? cal! What the hell!"
"Shit" he murmurs under his breath. The door closes and the room returns to silence.

I peak my eyes up and when I realize it's empty I get out the bed. , grab my phone and slip on my hoodie putting the hood over my head. It's a habit I got used to when hiding from cameras.

The screaming continues I can't hear the words just the loud voices. Shes screaming and he's responding quietly.

Is she his girlfriend? What guy offers a girl his bed knowing he has a girlfriend? I pace around the bedroom playing with my fingers a disgusting habit of mine.

I decide to sneak down the stairs while their mid argument and head out.

Not my mess.

It was a 10 minute dive to my apartment. The streets were empty , a normal day will probably have it at 15.

I take my contacts off and head in shower and call Meg
She answers after the first ring
"Hey how's-"
"The mess I am trying to control? So many rumors are spiraling Kiara! Someone started a rumor you overdosed ,  someone's saying your hiding a pregnancy even created a time line your belly grew"
"It grew?" I joke
"No your perfect and healthy" I smile "stop smiling this is serious!"
"I'm sorry Meg really I just-"
"I know. Listen I'll call you back  later and you can give me a tour."
"Okay byee" I hang up.

I know I should be enjoying my time but I feel like shit knowing everyone's struggling now because I need not to struggle

Maybe I should just go back. I lift my phone to text Meg who beat me to it

Don't offer to come back. It'll give me a bigger headache. Try and your blocked- Meg

I send her a smily face emoji


I walk down the stairs angry. I broke up with summer two months ago from a two week relationship I haven't seen her since the start of summer.

She was so clingy it made me sick. And she comes back spots a car she doesn't know and goes livid. Proving exactly why I left her.

"Who even let her in?" I ask
Everyone looks at the floor
"She had a key..." Jake pipes
I grab a pillow and scream into it.

Crazy. Is a different level.

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