Ch7. C

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His pov

"Now that we have wrapped up perception and sensation, I will now introducing this class project." Everyone groans. "The point of this project is to learn about the mind of another person. Doing what the other person admires. Getting to know them. There will be prompts you need to follow for each part of the project. Hence writing about your partner is the job I will be setting you up  in pairs." This causes another groan from the class. Everyone hates being put with someone you may not know or hate. "alright alright settle down. It is based on your last names, the pairs are on my desk. your dismissed" he places a paper on the tip of his desk and everyone rushes to it. 

cheers or groans fill the room as everyone sees their names. When I reach the paper I read 

C. Lancaster and E. Lee

I wonder who he is. I look up to Laing who has his eyes on Elaine. 

"Mr. Laing? Who's C.Lancaster?" she smiles at him

"right there Ms.Lee." he says pointing at me. she looks at me like a deer in headlights."Maybe you can help is grade" 

She nods walking over to me.  She's wearing navy blue leggings with the matching Lulu jacket left open to reveal a white tank top that's way to small to be considered a shirt. Her cheeks seem to flush at my obvious roaming of her. hair in a bun held by a clip in the back but her bangs fall over face. 

when she reaches me we walk out the door and stand on the side.

I couldn't get her standing with Ryder in her ear all week. I don't know why. Not that I'd say anything to him about it. But god she looked good.

she pulls me out of my thoughts "when are you free."

"I have time right now" maybe if I get it over with she'll loose her appeal 

she shakes her head "I have plans already. How about tonight?"

"I have practice till 7 today, you can stop by at like 8."

she nods "okay. I know the address so we should be fine" I don't mistake the playfulness in her tone as she smiles up at me

"Don't act like your breaking in though, Connors dumb enough to make the same mistake" that gets me a laugh out of her

we exchange numbers just as a blonde walks up gawking at the sight of me. she walks away waving and I may have watched her leave for a little bit. 


Practice is crazy. Coach is Crazy. We lost our game last weekend so he's been extra overboard.

The team had speed over us. So now speed is our priority. He whistles and we skate across the ice and back our fastest. as he times us. Connor and I are ahead, Normally Ryder would be here next to me but things change apparently. Coach still forces him to keep in shape and improve with drills on his own.

by the time we enter the lockers everyones silent, worst two hours of my life.

"Hey cap, can you get whatever is up his ass out?" Kyle groans, that creates a ripple of "yea"s and "come on cap"

"we were beat guys. I'm not talking about the score board. we were out ran badly. He's pissed" I respond, its not like I have much pull

"they weren't playing ethically either" a sophomore pipes 

"I know but we play fair and get better, so stop complaining and lets all get faster" guys start hooting at that 

when I am almost the first one done I find Connor giving me a look

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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