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I'm walking into the lobby of my apartment building  after a stressful day. I finish classes and got rid of the stack of homework I've had. After my shower I decided to get in some groceries. Eating buldak ramen again would probably cause my system to shut down.

The conversation with Cal still lingering in my head.
Lousy? Pathetic? Me? I've never been insulted so much straight to my face. Behind my back that and worse but my face?

Granted he didn't know he was talking to me about me.

The elevator opens up on the floor of my apartment but when I step off I noticed a girl carrying 3 big boxes over each other unable to see

"Need help?"
"If you can please"
I chuckle as I take the top two from her hand "where you need them?
"The door at the end of the hall. It's open. Your a life saver"

I follow her to her apartment and I set them on the kitchen counter

She does the same offering me a bright smile
Her dark eyes shine brightening her dark black hair.
She's almost the same height as me , a little shorter. But incredible beautiful c

"I'm Maddie" she extends her hand
I take it and shake it "Elaine, you just moving in?"
"Yea , I got sick of the dorms. I can't share it with another person again it's sickening, and the communal showers? Yea no." I smile at her and she returns it "how about you"
"Last week, it's my first year"
"Same, wait your in my photography class"
"Oh shit yea!" I groan "she's a pain"
"I know I regret taking so much"
I nod in agreement c

  "I'll see you later, I keep the bag of groceries on my shoulder and walk towards the door"
"Hey!" She calls after me "You want to watch a movie?"
"Depends on the movie?"
"How to loose a guy in 10 days?"
"I love that movie!"
"Hurry back then!"

I giggle and head over to my apartment. I don't have any thing needing to be refrigerated so I just open the door put them on the floor and lock it. I head back to her apartment.


The movie ends and we're both snuggled up next to each other
"So good"
"Even when I know the ending it just-
"Is perfect" we say that the same time.

She logs out her Netflix and when her tv reverts to any channel it's discussing me! Shit.

"People are fucked up" she exclaims shaking her head
"What do you mean"
"The girl was clearly struggling- l had a friend who watched their concert in London and she said the Kiara kept taking breaks because she couldn't breathe."
"No one talks about that" I think the shock was eminent on my face but I quickly hide it with a smile.
I like her.

Her door bell rings and she apologizes turning of the tv as she head to the door.

Two girls walk in  dressed in sheer flimsy tops and short skirts.

"Mads. We had a plan tonight why are you in sweats." Her friend with the slick back pouts

The blonde types on her phone barely present.

Maddie closes the door after them

"The parties tomorrow no?" She asks the confusion clear
"Tonight!" The blonde groans. "Go go go- Hi" she says finally noticing me

I smile and wave. They both smile at me and look at Maddie

"Neighbor, she's so cool" Maddie lifts herself up and down bouncing on her toes.

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