Ch 2. K

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Her pov
I wake up to the feeling of being watched. I normally would be used to it but not in my New York City apartment. Especially when no one is supposed to know where I am.

I decide to pretend to be asleep at least until they leave my room long enough for me to figure out who it is

"Stop faking, ur such a bad actor." Megan voices.

I look up to find her standing at the foot of my bed her hands crossed across her chest , her dark amber hair tied into its usual bun.

Megan is my manager. And only friend. Semi.

Last night we wrapped up in Italy. While everyone went to their hotel rooms or an after party and I booked a last minute flight back to Italy and may have not told anyone.

I'm done performing. I'm done singing. I hate having the focus on me. I go to a party and apparently that determines my career future drug addict , falling into the rebellious faze every celebrity faces as they near reach 20.
Lets not mention I even breath near a male and I'm sleeping around, I mean there was this one time I publicly announced a relationship it was only for publicity because the rumor mill was I was egotistical and couldn't socialize to date anyone. Then I was unappealing because I had a relationship?
People may be nice but everyone's trying to climb the latter.

I'm not claiming I'm perfect. But I'm tired.

I hate feeling sick everytime a camera flashes and I get bombarded with questions. I don't even feel human

So before the flight took off I tweeted I'd be going on hiatus and turned my phone off. Left everyone else with the mess. May have not been my best moment.

"How'd u find me?" I ask rubbing my eyes as I sit up

"Someone took a picture of you landing."
"No one saw me- it was in the bathroom? Wasn't it. Or the cab? I knew that girl was following me shit"
"Cab. That's not the point" she sighs "you don't understand. You have to go back. Meet up with the group in Germany come on"
"No! I'm not going back. I'm done. Meg I need a break. I-"
She cuts me off "is it your meds? I told her not to prescribe a high dosage"
"It's me. No meds nothing. Give me a couple months."
"MONTHS? No no we have a flight to catch " she rips the covers off me.

I glare as I get up "I love you Meg but if the company won't give me a break. I quit."
Her jaw drops.

I understand her shock. Meg has been my manager since I was 14. By 15 I was thrown onto every stage. The girls are sweet. We may not be close but no ill will. It's just me. I can't handle it anymore. And Meg knows what I have was all I wanted when I was little but now? I don't know.

She stutters a rebuttal but the door clicks open and Samuel Sunday my father walks into my apartment.

"Hello sweetie" he opens his arms and I walk over embracing him back
"Hey dad what are you doing here?"
"I heard you were back. And Daisy was worried you know her. So I promised I'd check in while she flies into Paris."

Daisy is my younger sister. We all have the same dad but different moms, it's a whole thing.
There is three of us , me , then Daisy then sloane.
Dad's wife- well mom? Couldn't have kids. So they opted for surrogates. We're all a different mix so we don't really look alike.

Dads Italian.
Mine was Korean.
Daisys was also Russian .
Sloanes mom was French

He has a thing for culture.
Daisy and sloane have more prompt features of his. While there is a bit resemblance, a lot of people don't think I'm half Korean. In fact many assume I'm full.

"Mr.sunday, can you speak some sense into Ms.Sunday she wants to quit" Meg pipes
"I said break and if I'm not given a break I quit" I explain
"Months is basically quiting!"
I roll my eyes

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