Ch 3. C

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His pov
Ryder and I ended up at some Greek row party.

Which turned into a major bust

Jake and Claire are in a fight so he stayed home
And Ry wanted redemption from the other day.

However we forgot to think about the fact most people aren't back yet from the football game two towns away

So we walked in and it had 5 girls and a group of random guys we haven't seen before

3 who Ry isn't willing to have a repeat with so we stayed as they fawned over him till he could pretend to be tired.

As we take the walk home ( he didn't feel like driving, assumed he'd have a place to stay- asshole)

20 minute walk isn't bad.

"You didn't think to ask if anyone was going?" I ask
He glares "you didn't either"
"I didn't want to go"
"You came"
I'm the one who glares now.

I smack the back of his head "just have a repeat it's not that deep"

"Their not appealing after"
"Your such ass" I try to hide my grin

Ryder is known for having no repeats though every girl begs for one. It's really sad.

"Stop talking"

We walk in silence for 3 minutes before his phone rings
"Connor" he gives me a face "yea I'm alone...he's in a room with a girl why?" The lie slips off his tongue easily. I try to snuff my laugh. "You did what?!, I'll be there" he hangs up

"What happened"
"He knocked out a girl" his jaw clenches. "Details later he's at our place"
"Shit" we both say at the same time. And just start sprinting in the direction of our house.


We walk in to him and Jake sitting around an unconscious girl on the couch.

I walk over and grab Connor by the shirt
"Explain!" If it was a guy it'd be a different story. But a girl? He better have something that won't make me punch him.

"Relax! I didn't touch her- not really- I came to surprise you guys and she was trying to break in! She looked like a very small guy. So I just put a shirt in her face till you know"

"That- I don't even know what to do with you!" I throw him out of my grip he stumbles back a bit

"I heard the noise and came down to find him freaking out over her" Jake adds "did we make the wrong move bringing her inside?"

"Maybe-" Connor try's to say
"Yea since leaving a unconscious girl on our doorsteps is better" Ryder deadpans

He comes over her where we all turns towards her he gets in close analyzing her

"Is she dead?" He asks waving his hand in her face.

This time I get close "she can't be dead unless he suffocated her to much"

We all go silent

I leap at Connor ready to strangle him and Ry holds me back

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