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"Ziha's eyes slowly opened, and she found herself staring at a ceiling that was completely unfamiliar to her. She sat up, taking in her surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and confusion. The room was richly furnished, but everything was unfamiliar to her. This not her room also she realized that it was unlike any room she had ever seen before. The luxurious furnishings and decorations suggested a place of wealth and opulence. She wondered if she was dreaming or if she had somehow been transported to someone else's room. Whatever the case, she knew that this was not her bedroom." It's  She rubbed her eyes and pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. But no, she was definitely not in her own bedroom. Where on earth was she?"and It's not a dream this is happening in real....

"Sehzadi, you're up?"
"Just then, a Female Figure who seems like around her age entered the room called out to Ziha. ' The girl's voice had a hint of familiarity, like she knew Ziha well. Ziha sat up straighter and turned to face the girl, still trying to make sense of the situation."
That girl voice Again call out for her
Sehzadi [Princess] zeenat??

Zeenat? Her mind got blank..

"Her mind raced as she stared at the girl. Was this girl speaking about the Princess Zeenat from the novel? But why was she calling her Zeenat? She shook her head, feeling disoriented and confused. This whole situation was incomprehensible. Was she dreaming or hallucinating?"
wait what's happening where am i?
"Her mind spun as she tried to make sense of what was happening. Could it be true? Had she somehow been transported into the world of the novel as Zeenat herself?
But how is that even possible , but wasn’t she  was on her way back to home from University and suddenly the vehicle collapsed? and then she Don't remember anything She's supposed to be in Hospital! 
She pinched herself yet again, hoping to wake up from this strange dream. But the pain was real, and the opulent room around her remained in focus. This was no dream."

"Ziha stared at the girl, taking in her demeanor. Her dress, her mannerisms, everything suggested that she was a servant in this opulent place. The girl looked expectantly at her, waiting for a response."
What's happening? And who is she Could be?

W-who are you??

The girls give her a panicked look

Shehzadi? I'm zeba Are you okay? Did you catch fever?" she worriedly looked at her

The novel? Zeenat had a handmaid could she be her, zeba?

I'm okay..she answers

"  Ziha felt a shiver run down her system. This was getting more and more confusing by the second."
"Her mind whirled as she sat on the bed in the luxurious room. She couldn't believe what was happening - she was in the world of the novel as Zeenat Eskander shah! What had happened to her in the real world? Had she died? Was she dreaming? These questions and more swirled in her head, each one more troubling than the last. She had to find a way to get back to her own world, if such a thing was even possible."

"She was jolted out of her thoughts as the girl spoke, interrupting her musings. 'Sultan is calling for you for breakfast,' the maid girl said, her voice carrying a hint of urgency. 'I'll help you take a bath.

Her heart start beating. This has to be a dream. It can't be true,her breath got stuck in her throat...
She nodded dazedly at the girl, still trying to comprehend the situation she found herself in. She allowed Zeba to lead her to the bathing area, her mind still racing with questions and confusion."


"After the refreshing bath, Zeba helped her get dressed in a long, purple gown. The fabric was soft and luxurious against her skin, and as Zeba helped her with her hair, Ziha caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The sight of herself in Zeenat's clothes and with her hair done up in an intricate style was surreal, like she was looking at a stranger. That's not her that's Princess zeenat
"As she looked at herself in the mirror, adjusting her hair and her dress, Zeba looked at her with a smile. 'You're looking beautiful as always, sehzadi,' she said, admiring the way Ziha looked in the elegant gown...
She couldn't help but feel a pang of familiarity at the honorific - 'sehzadi' - but she brushed it aside, still trying to wrap her head around the reality of her situation."
she forced a  smile at zeba.

" If she wanted to get back to her own world,  she had to play the part of Zeenat flawlessly. With the knowledge of the entire story in her head, she felt a surge of confidence - she could survive as Zeenat, if she was careful. She took a deep breath and steeled herself, preparing to face whatever the day had in store."

I can do it
I must go back to my own world.. i need to get out from this strange world as soon as possible..

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