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Listen mr George

Im listening mrs George', he said as he took another step toward her

Don't come any closer.....

Hmm!..... He step forward before she could Open her mouth to say something.

he opening the Window curtain behind her letting in a flood of moonlight into the room.  his eyes remain plain and He chuckled softly at her defensive tone....
He took a step back,.. a smug smile on his face as he surveyed her embarrassed expression. "Don't worry, princess," he said in deep voice. "I won't bite. At least not yet."

Thomas chuckled to himself as he left the room, leaving her mortified and embarrassed.
Left alone in the room,
" shit" She sat on the bed and said to herself. "I overreacted too much. What I thought, and what had happened-". She facepalm herself in embarrassment..

But still he an asshole jahil kahika  she talk to herself..
A few moments later, several maids entered the room carrying a trunk full of clothing. They approached Sehzadi and bowed gracefully, their heads lowered in respect.
"Madam," one of the maids said, her voice soft and demure, "we have brought some clothes for you. They were brought from the Sultan's town."as lord George orderd..
With that, they placed the trunk down beside her and waited for her to look through the contents.

She mentally rolled her eyes after hearing his name

She opened the trunk and began to look through the clothing that the maids had brought. After some moments of browsing, her eye landed  to a beautiful purple dress with full-length sleeves.
She gently took the dress out of the trunk and held it up, admiring the rich color and elegant design. The fabric was soft and luxurious to the touch, and she could sense the quality of the craftsmanship.
One of the maids stepped forward and offered to help her put on the purple dress. "We will help you wear this, madam," she said in a soft, respectful tone.
She hesitated for a moment,because all of these days zeba helped her wearing dresses.  feeling a bit strange at the idea of strangers helping her dress. But some moments of thinking she agreed.
The maids continued to attend to her needs, and after helping her dress, they turned their attention to her hair. They gently brushed her long locks, With practiced hands, they styled her hair into a simple yet elegant braid, pinning it up with ornate silver hairpins.
She sat on the the bed, feeling lost and uncertain. Her thoughts wandered to Zeba and her father, and a pang of homesickness tugged at her heart. She wondered if she would ever see them again, or if she was doomed to spend the rest of her days Around these foreign people? Will she ever go to back to her own world is her mother is thinking of her? Did she died and they forget her already....?

She was snapped out of her thoughts as the door opened, and he entered the room. She  noticed that he had taken a shower, his hair still damp and dripping water onto his white shirt. hair fell forward onto his forehead,  Their eyes met for a moment, and She felt a shiver run down her spine as he surveyed her with a cold, appraising gaze.
She found herself studying Thomas's appearance as he stood in the room, his gaze fixed on her. Her eyes met his, and she noticed the color of his eyes for the first time. They were a deep, rich green, resembling the dense forests back in her homeland. His jaw was attractively sharp Despite herself, she found herself strangely captivated by the intensity in his gaze.
Like what you see? His question snapped her out of her own world
She was taken aback by his question. and she quickly averted her gaze.
"N-no obviously not " she stammered, unable to hide the flustered tone in her voice. "I mean, I was just..."
Thomas chuckled, clearly enjoying her discomfort. "Just what, princess? Admiring my eyes?"

Huuh as if, even blind wouldn’t admire you..

Zeenat retort was sharp and biting, and he raised an eyebrow in response. "Oh really?"

As he was about to sit on bed but her words stopped him  "no i Won't sleep beside you

He looked at her with an amused expression, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "And why not, princess? We're husband and wife now. Shouldn't we share the bed?"

No i Don't wanna sleep beside you end of decision

He let out a frustrated sigh, seeing her stubbornness.
"There's only one bed in this bungalow," he said, his tone laced with sarcasm. "And where exactly do you expect me to sleep, princess? On the floor?"
I Don't know you forcefully married me now bear with it George...
He was left speechless for a moment, stunned by her audacity. He stared at her as she lay down on the bed,
He clenched his jaw.
He couldn't help but let out a low chuckle as he begrudgingly settled onto the couch. He shifted into a comfortable position, still seething from her stubborn behavior.
"Stubborn little princess,...." he muttered under his breath. "Before closing his eyes.....

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