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What are you doing here?

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard a voice cutting through the silence. She hadn't expected him to return so soon.
She quickly spun around, her eyes widened in surprise.  There he stood, looking at her with a curious face.

I'm asking Again zeenat,why are you in my office?
He repeated his question, his voice firm and demanding. He stood watching her, his hand casually resting in his pocket.

She felt cornered, her heart racing with a mixture of surprise and apprehension. She knew there was no good explanation for her presence in his office, rifling through his private documents.

"I-I was just getting some fresh air," she said, attempting to sound casual.
He didn't seem convinced by her answer. He raised an eyebrow, regarding her skeptically. "Fresh air, huh?" he said, his tone laced with skepticism. "In my office?"

I was- 

Hello Princess zeenat

She was about to give a feeble excuse for her presence when a new voice chimed in, interrupting her.
A man entered the room, greeting her with a smile.
he said, breaking the tense atmosphere that had enveloped the room.

I'm jonh Nicolas, client of Lord George. It's a pleasure to meet you Princess zeenat
The man introduced himself...

She nodded politely.

She darted a glance at Thomas, her eyes meeting his cold and expressionless gaze. He remained silent, his hand still casually resting in his pocket.
Meanwhile, John continued the conversation, oblivious to the tension between zeenat and Thomas.

His' voice sliced through the air, commanding her to leave. "Go to your room, Zeenat," he said, his tone firm.

She felt a mixture of irritation and frustration at being ordered around like a child, but she knew it was best not to provoke him further. Reluctantly, she swallowed her pride and nodded curtly.
And leave the Office...

Thomas settled into his seat. He directed John to hand over the files related to the Raja River trading, his tone all businesslike.
John complied, passing him a stack of documents and a bottle of ink. He began to review the files while John busied himself with writing with the ink....

Sir George the Princess zeenat-
I Don't want to chitchat during work time", he cut him off firmly by replying  coldly, making it clear that he was not interested in discussing anything unrelated to work.
Jonh nodded, understanding that his attempt at casual conversation was not welcome.

"Sir George, the farmers aren't putting into working on the fields and trade isn't going well."jonh continued with a serious tone, addressing the issue at hand
He listened intently, his expression now shift to irritation.

responded with a firm and authoritative tone, "If they're slacking off, implement harsher punishments. Whipping or penal labor should help straighten them out."

Jonh nodded in agreement...


As the night settled in, he returned to his chamber. he was surprised to find the room empty. She was nowhere to be seen....

He inquired about her whereabouts from one of the maids. She revealed that She had gone to the garden.
He felt a flicker of curiosity and irritation. Why would she be in the garden at this time of night?

He approached the garden and spotted her standing by the river, her gaze fixed on the flowing water infront of the Garden.

  "Zeenat," he called out her name, his voice breaking the silence.
Hearing her name, She turned to face him, her expression unreadable in the dim moonlight.

What are you doing here at this time?  He asked

Her anger was evident in her eyes as she saw him approach. She remained silent and defiant.
Him showing no signs of backing down, "Zeenat, let's go inside."said firmly.

I'm asking you again. Come inside."zeenat, He insisted with an authoritative tone,
She still resisting, refused to budge. "No, I don't want to,' she retorted defiantly, her gaze returning to the river.
His' irritation grew, but he kept his voice level. "I won't ask again. Inside, now."

"Leave me alone George...

his patience wearing thin, responded with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Oh, okay, so you won't listen to me so easily huh?"
Before she could react or protest, he swiftly scooped her up in a bridal style hold.

She was taken aback and let out a protest, but her struggles and complaints fell on deaf ears.
He held her firmly in his arms, showing no sign of relenting. "You're coming inside, whether you like it or not,"

As he walked through the hallway leading to his chambers, the maids who happened to be present were visibly taken aback by the sight before them.
They couldn't help but stare in shock as lord George carried the protesting Sehzadi in his arms, her protests and wriggling attempts to break free to no avail.

He carried her into the chamber and gently lowered her onto the bed. Once she was released, she immediately stepped back, creating some distance between them.
He stood there, a stern expression still etched on his face as he looked down at her with a mix of frustration and determination.

She, still reeling from the unexpected turn of events, turned to look at him with an irritated expression.
What's wrong with you- But before she could complete het sentence  he placed a finger over her lips, silencing her with a shushing sound.
He leaned in closer, their faces only inches apart, and asked in a low whisper, "Why were you in my office earlier, hmm?"

L-like i said i was getting some fresh-
her words were cut off as he moved closer, his face now close to the crook of her neck. His warm breath brushed against her skin, causing her to gasp softly, her body involuntarily reacting to his closeness.
his mouth close to her ear, whispered, "You were searching for files, weren't you, Princess?"
Her breath caught in her throat as she felt his hot breath against her skin. She tried to deny it, but his proximity and the intensity of his words made it difficult to formulate a coherent response..

Her thoughts and senses were consumed by his closeness and the feeling of his breath on her skin. She couldn't focus on anything else, her mind becoming fuzzy with desire.
She didn't hear his words clearly, her body responding instinctively to his presence, her breathing becoming shallow, her eyes drifting closed as she surrendered to the sensations coursing through her...

He began to place gentle butterfly kisses along the sensitive skin of her neck, his lips gently brushing against her collarbone. With each delicate touch, her body trembled involuntarily, her resistance slowly melting away under his ministrations.

She had her eyes closed, her body still reacting to the intoxicating sensations he had invoked. But just as she was lost in the moment, he abruptly stopped and pulled away.
She opened her eyes, confusion and desire still evident on her face, as he moved away from her, his expression unreadable.

Him seeing the mixture of confusion and desire in her expression, chuckled softly. "What's wrong, Princess Feeling  upset?

She bristled at his playful tone, her eyes narrowing as she tried to regain her composure.

She got up from the bed
''move'' she said throwing a glare at the  men who was standing infront of her....

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