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zeenat stood by the balcony, gazing out at the beautiful garden below. The sunlight streamed through the leaves of the trees, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow across the ground.
As she looked out at the tranquil scene, she couldn't help but wonder where George had gone. He was nowhere to be seen after she woke up, well she Don't care though atleast she can breathe peacefully...
She surveyed her surroundings with a sense of unease. Everything looked foreign and unfamiliar to her, and she didn't recognize any of the places around her. It would probably be safest to stay indoors.
She thoughts wandered to the palace she had left behind. She wondered what was happening there, and how's baba and zeba are doing...

I hope Zeba was there with me..

She turned around at the sound of the maid's voice. The young woman entered the room with a tray in her hands, carrying a steaming cup of chamomile tea.
"Madam," the maid said respectfully, "your chamomile tea, as you requested."
She nodded in acknowledgement, taking the cup of tea from the tray. The warm liquid soothed her nerves, and she took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing thoughts.

She looked at the young maid with a smile, her curiosity piqued. "What's your name?" she asked gently.
The maid, looked up at her and returned the smile with politeness, "Maria," she replied in a soft, polite tone.
She nnodded

The maid, Maria, continued to speak, her voice soft and respectful. "Lord George hired me to attend to your needs, madam," she explained.
Sehzadi's eyebrows rose in surprise. Ohh is bandar ko kisne kaha hamdardi dikhani ki liye" she mutterd under her breath

George entered the room a moment later, and the young maid, Maria, quickly bowed and excused herself, leaving them alone in the room

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George entered the room a moment later, and the young maid, Maria, quickly bowed and excused herself, leaving them alone in the room.
George took in her appearance with a subtle gaze, as if assessing her mood. "Good afternoon," he greeted her, his voice laced with a hint of formality.
He greeting was met with cold indifference as She turned away from him, focused on the view outside the balcony. She seemed to be ignoring his presence, her gaze fixed on the garden below.
He let out a quiet sigh, feeling a pang of frustration at her dismissiveness. He walked over to the balcony, standing behind her in silence,..

She suddenly felt warm breath on Her neck,a shiver run down her spine and her breath hitched slightly. George's voice in her ear sent a jolt of electricity through her, and she tried to keep her cool demeanor.
"Playing ignore game, huh?" he whispered, his voice low and sultry.

Turn around zeenat look at me", he said to her in a deep husky voice..
She remain froze in that sudden proximity,
She felt his hand on her waist, make her turn around, and she was frozen in place, unable to do anything but obey his silent command.
As she faced him, she felt a wave of vulnerability wash over her, his intense gaze sending her heart racing. She felt small and powerless, trapped under his touch.

''W-what are doing George let me go'' she tried to push him away but he was too strong..

He moved with unexpected swiftness, closing the gap between them. In a fluid gesture, he reached out and gently, yet firmly, held her chin, tilting her face upwards to meet his gaze. She resisted at first, but his grip was too strong to break, and she found herself mere inches away from his face. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her skin as he studied her with an intense, unreadable expression he whispers...

It's thomas....

She tried to push him again, feeling a mixture frustration at his unwavering grip on her waist. "George, let me go,"
His grip on her waist was unyielding as he leaned closer to her, his gaze fixed on her face.
"Say Thomas and I'll let you go ," he commanded.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to find her voice, but the words wouldn't come out. She felt trapped, unable to resist his dominance...
He leaned closer to her, "Then I'm assuming that you Don't want me to let you go" he said, his voice low.....

Thomas let me go ", she said " he finally loosened his grip on her waist. She felt a wave of relief wash over her as he stepped away, releasing her from his hold.
He chuckled softly, a hint of triumph in his expression. "See that was easy.. " he said and left the room leaving her dumfounded...

He left the room and headed to his office, every general has it In their house to work which was located a Little far away from room. He closed the door behind him,......

Some moments later she was feeling bored sitting in a room, so she decided to leave the room and explore the bungalow.
She stepped out into the hallway, her footsteps echoing softly on the floor. The hall was dimly lit, the soft glow of lamps casting pools of light here and there.
She stop walking as she heard a women Voice coming from thomas working office
Her curiosity was piqued, Her steps quickened as she walked down the hall, heading towards the office. The sound of the woman's voice grew clearer as she approached the door, and she paused outside the door watching..
A young woman with long blond hair seemed to be having a conversation with Thomas and he was reading some documents . She looked around her age, and her laughter could be heard faintly through the door. Curious, Sehzadi strained her ears to hear their conversation.
The blond-haired girl noticed her standing outside the office door, her eyes widening in surprise. "Oh, Princess zeenat," she exclaimed, drawing Thomas's attention.
He looked up from the documents he had been reading and saw her standing outside the office. A flicker of surprise crossed his face, quickly masked by a neutral expression.
She smiled at zeenat and introduced herself. "I am Mitasi William, close friend of Thom,"
She Doesn't know it was a friendly smile or evilish...
"I have heard a lot about you. You're very beautiful."
She felt a pang of surprise and slight discomfort at the attention. She nodded stiffly, not knowing how to respond.

Mitasi you can leave ", he cleared his throat, and give that documents to sir josh William". He handed her a document..

She look at william for a moment then look back a zeenat forcing a smile and left the bangalow....
I Didn't know you have a lover george miller", smirk widened as she spoke, her eyes glinting mischievously. "
He stood up from his chair and moved towards her, his eyes locking with hers. "Lover? is that what you think Princess ?" he asked, his voice a mix of amusement..
Yes obviously and i Don't care". She said and was about to walk away.
He suddenly grabbed her wrist, forcing her to turn back towards him. She stumbled slightly, caught off guard by his unexpected action.
Thomas's grip on her wrist was firm, his eyes locked onto hers as he pulled her closer to him. She could feel the heat radiating from his body, and smelled the faint scent of his cologne.

What's with the behaviour George?

He chuckled, a low, deep sound that sent a shiver down Sehzadi's spine. "Behavior?" he replied, his grip on her wrist tightening. "With my wife?"
She tried to pull her wrist free from his grasp, but he only pulled her closer to him, eliminating any space between them. She could feel his breath on her face, and his proximity made her heart race, even as her anger flared.
In a swift movement, he pushed her against the wall, trapping her between his body and the cold surface behind her.He leaned in towards her neck, his movements slow and deliberate. She could feel his warm breath grazing her skin, sending a shiver down her spine. Inhaling the floral scent without touching.

She felt her breath caught in her throat...

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