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Zeenat pov

Zeenat looked up in surprise as a royal guard approached her with a message from amer emran. "Salam sehzadi," the guard said respectfully. "Ameer emran has sent you something sehzadi.
The guard handed her a small box and bows respectfully before leaving the chamber. She looks at the box in her hand with curiosity, wondering what Amer emran could have sent her.
Let's see what's inside seehzadi 'zeba said'
She opens the box and her eyes widen as she sees the anklet inside. It was that anklet she saw at bazar that day when she was strolling with Ameer emran  Zeba, who is standing beside her, gasps in surprise at the sight of the beautiful trinket. She lifted the delicate anklet out of the box and held it up to the light, admiring the way it gleamed. Zeba, standing beside her, let out a gasp of admiration. "Sehzadi, it's beautiful," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Indeed it is,  zeenat agreed....  Let me do that for you Zeba said with excitement, Zeenat smiled and handed the anklet to the handmaiden, who took it eagerly in her hands. "," her fingers already beginning to fasten the anklet around seehzadi's ankle.
Bohot peyari lagrihihae ap [You're looking beautiful ] zeba compliment her.
As the sun began to set, Zeenat and Zeba walked through the crowded bazar, their eyes taking in all the sights and sounds around them. The hustle and bustle of the market surrounded them, as vendors shouted out their wares and shoppers haggled over prices.
Zeba suddenly stopped walking, a concerned expression on her face as she noticed her nephew crying on the corner. She turned to her and said, "sehzadi Wait here, I'll go get him back to his parents," before hurrying over to the child's side. She nodded
She waited patiently as Zeba went to find her nephew  . But as the minutes passed and Zeba didn't return, She looked around the bazar, searching for a familiar face, but Zeba was nowhere to be seen.
Looking for someone??
She jumped at the sound of the male voice behind her, and quickly turned around. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw a tall, figure standing there, a small smirk on his face.  his voice low and smooth.
Her eyes widened in surprise as she got a good look at the man standing before her. He was clearly not a commoner, his finely  clothes and confident demeanor. His blue eyes shone in the dim light of the street lanterns, and despite his emotionless expression, his gaze seemed to pierce right through her. That Didn't took her too long to understand his identity - he was a colonial."
I Don't feel like It's important to tell you She replied in a uninterested tone"
The colonial man raised an eyebrow at her cool response, a hint of surprise on his face. "Ohh?" he replied.  What is a pretty mohtarma [lady]  like you doing alone in the bazar at this time? I'm concerned...
The man's voice dripped with sarcasm as he spoke. She raised an eyebrow, refusing to be intimidated by the colonial man's sarcastic remarks.
"I'm not alone," she said with a hint of defiance in her voice. "I'm with someone, Ohh who? Someone special? He asked with a hint of interest

Her tone was decidedly disinterested as she replied to the man's question. "With my friend," she said, her voice almost dismissive. She leaned against the wall and folded her arms, refusing to let the colonial man get a rise out of her. He also did the same.

She looked up as she heard Zeba's voice,  "Did I make you wait too long, sehzad-"  her eyes flicking between Zeenat and the colonial man with curiosity. She quickly grabbed zeenat wrist and started pulling her away from the colonial man. She felt a wave of relief as she followed Zeba, grateful for the chance to leave that uncomfortable encounter behind.The colonial man stood there, his hand shoved into his pocket as he watched her and the girl walk away. He whispered "sehzadi?," he murmured, the name rolling off his tongue..

What were you doing with that him sehzadi,?  zeba asked with a panic voice

What do you mean he's Just a colonial!,  she replied with confused expression

He's more than that he dangerous sehzadi he's High ranked general of british india colony, lord Thomas George Miller   the handmaiden said with terrified voice with slightly widen eyes

Thomas George Miller??

Her mind raced as she tried to recall the details of the novel. "That can't be," she thought, confusion and disbelief etched on her face. "There was no mention of such a character in the novel."there were no Thomas George
Who is he? What is happening things are not going the way it was written in that novel since the First time she transported in this world..also but there is a new character..???

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