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Thomas George watched as the girl poured wine into his glass, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Thom think before doing something, why marriage?  You can't marry the Princess. Her tone curious and demanding.
"Also do you think poisoning the commoners paddy field will change sultans mind? "
He paused before taking a sip, mulling over her words.
"I know what im doing mitasi,
He took a measured sip from his wine glass, his expression calm and dismissive.

Why are you marrying Her? Do you know what does a marriage means?

He ignored her question furthur

Mithasi William was the daughter of Josh William, a fellow client of Thomas George.

She has beautiful long blonde hair with sharp feature,  she Sticks by his side all the time even though he Doesn't like it. But he tolerate her.

Lord George Sultan has invite you to palace ", a  soldier said

Thomas George chuckled under his breath . A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he processed the invitation.


Thom! Mitasi called out his name


Don't go there...


The seehzadi was in her room reading book while sipping Chamomile tea. when her handmaiden suddenly spoke up.

"Seehzadi" the handmaiden said urgently. "Sultan has ordered you to go to the throne room immediately."

Before i need to make you dressed ..


Why what's the matter Zeba? ', she asked her confusedly.
I Don't know sehzadi but they said it argent", the handmaiden answerd
Zeenat entered the throne room, her mind racing as her eyes darted around the room, taking in the presence of the British colonial soldiers and General George. Her confusion and curiosity mounted as she took in the scene before her.
"What's happening?" she muttered under her breath, her gaze flicking between her father  and General George.

The engagement between ministers son  Emran Khan and my daughter Zeenat Eskander is cancelled," he said with plain face. "And General Thomas George will marry her instead."

Sultan " sher khan said with confusion visible on his face.. What's happening..?

End of decision.. i hope no one question my Order",  Sultan said..

Sultan's statement hung in the air, causing a wave of shock and disbelief to wash over the room. Gasps and murmurs filled the air as the Sultan's words sank in.
"Baba" her voice trembling with shock and surprise.
Sehzadi stood there, her mind spinning as she processed the Sultan's words.
"Why is he marrying me off to a colonial general?" she Thought  "He claimed he wanted to save our traditions, and now he's doing this?"

Her thoughts raced, her confusion and disbelief growing with each passing moment. Her mind was filled with questions and doubts, as she struggled to come to terms with the unexpected turn of events.
"This can't be happening," she thought to herself, her thoughts racing a mile a minute. "There was no mention of this in the novel. Everything is changing." she clearly remember that in novel zeenat marry the sahir khan and rule the Sultan empire with their 2 son and novel end there??..
As performing the marriage ceremony between seehzadi and General George,
Her mind was in turmoil, her thoughts racing as she struggled to make sense of the situation, she Isn't understanding anything.
After finishing the ceremony, and the newlyweds were pronounced husband and wife. General George turned to Sehzadi, a smug smile on his face. "Welcome to your new life, Princess," he said to her
As Zeenat looked at the him, a feeling of disgust washed over her. She felt a surge of intense hatred towards him.Zeenat clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white with the force of her anger. She longed to look away, to escape from the reality. The thought of spending her life with him repulsed her, and she could barely mask her disdain.

In the whole time sultan were silent he Didn't spoke a single word Just watched..
A carriage rolled up to the palace gates,
her movements slow and reluctant. She climbed into the carriage,  As the carriage door closed behind her, she felt a pang of dread settling in her stomach.
Baba" she whispers while tear fell down from her cheeks, She's not liking it, what's is happening.
She Didn't get any chance to say bye to zeba and her father
Sultan shah was looking at his daughter with a sadness and hopelessness .
The whole ride was silent nobody spoke.

The carriage jolted to life and began its journey, As they passed through the Sultan empire , she looked out the window, her eyes taking in the sights and sounds of the foreign surroundings.
She could see the colonial soldiers stationed along the roads, their uniforms blending in with the local population. The buildings and streets were different from those of her.

Hm liked the view' he asked breaking the silence

She Didn't replied

Are you happy with that marriage?

Are you joking or something? you're asking me am i happy with that marriage after forcefully marrying me? This has got to be a joke" she threw a glare at the general who was seated across from her.

No, that obviously wasn’t a forced marriage, but if you think that way, I can't do anything about it wife.

Let me introduce myself I'm Thomas George Miller the high ranked general of east colony..

After hearing this, she rolled her eyes. I'm not interested..
Don't talk to me Don't ask me Any of your nonsense questions, i Don't want to talk to anyone.. As she start looking outside..

A chuckled escaped from his lips at her reaction..
The Weather fell into silence again

The carriage came to a stop in front of a large bungalow, its walls freshly painted in bright white. The guard opened the carriage door and her and General got out.
The guard led them up the front steps and into the house.

The they entered the bedroom, and Sehzadi's eyes widened in surprise. The room was painted in a cool, calming white color, and the large bed dominated the space. A balcony looked out onto a beautiful garden outside, and a mirror and red curtains framed the window, adding a touch of elegance to the room.
Sehzadi's thoughts were interrupted as Thomas entered the room...

Don't come toward me' she widended her eyes..

As he took a step forward, Zeenat instinctively took a step back, creating distance between them. Her eyes glinted with defiance, and her body tensed in response to his approach. Her heart pounded in her chest, but she held her ground, refusing to back down.
"Don't come any closer," she hissed through gritted teeth. "I don't want you near me, do you hear me?

He chuckled sat her reaction. "Relax, Princess," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I won't bite.
He took another step towards her, his casual demeanor further infuriating her

Listen George...

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