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Warning: Violence and death.

Niall and I stood fairly quietly outside the club in the car park even when I assured him that I would be fine if he wanted to go back inside to work

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Niall and I stood fairly quietly outside the club in the car park even when I assured him that I would be fine if he wanted to go back inside to work. But he was adamant about standing right there with me until a car pulled into the area, even going as far as guiding me over and getting me situated in the backseat before leaning in through the passenger window with one arm resting on the roof to speak to the driver.

He sent me off with a smack on the metal roof, standing back with his arms folded loosely over his chest after offering me a short curt wave goodbye. It was mere minutes later when my phone buzzed in my hand, reading a text from Niall.

It was a simple sweet text asking if I enjoyed the night but then turning to one of sorrow and apologies on behalf of the girls who accidentally lost me amongst the crowds. But I promised him it was all okay and I was fine because truly I was, Harry found and distracted me but he didn't need to know that.

He texted me a picture of his grumpy face back behind the bar still slacking without me there to distract him to which I responded 'get back to work lazy ass and I'll see you tomorrow' which seemed to hold him over with some form of happiness because he didn't reply and instead went offline.

I kept true to what I'd told Niall and requested Jasper meet me outside when my taxi arrived and despite it being late and cold he replied with a thumbs-up emoji and was leaning against the wall near the entrance when the driver pulled into the car park. As I went to pay the driver he informed me that my ride was prepaid and not to worry about payment, part of my soul could not believe Harry would ever do something like that for me but I wasn't going to complain about a free ride.

I thanked the kind man for getting me home safe before scurrying over to where Jasper had now pushed himself off the aged bricks, dressed in a simple black t-shirt and plead grey pyjama bottoms with a large black coat over his arms to keep himself warm.

His arm slung over my shoulders as soon as he was close enough to make the contact, "how are you not freezing your tits off right now?"

Adrenaline would be the answer, I'm high off it after tonight's events. From simply being immersed back in the environment of the club to then having Harry getting all pissy as per usual, having fun with my girls but ultimately getting lost and feeling like a child who can't find sight of their mum in a shop only to be scouted out by Harry who took me back to his office and bent me over his desk.

It's a lot to have happened in such a short span of time, my mind is struggling to retain it all, especially with alcohol in my system. I'm sure I'll remember it all in the morning but it's probably a case of if the smaller intricate details manage to linger or if they melt away into my memories but are long forgotten.

"I have no idea, honestly. Probably all the adrenaline from tonight being back at the club." I rambled, almost tripping over my own feet when he opens the door into the lobby harshly which I had expected.

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