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Warning: unwanted touching and drugging.

Christmas was fast approaching

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Christmas was fast approaching. The nights were even more bitter than before, every gust of wind sent goosebumps across my entire body and intense shivers wrecked me to the point where I now refuse to walk to the shop car park anymore. I won't leave the club unless the car taking me home is already out waiting for me to reduce the amount of time I have to be outside.

This happens to be my last shift before the festive season, there's a few more days until the club shuts for the period but I happen to be off work. I'm not looking forward to losing my method of distraction, especially at a time of the year when life feels so down and depressing.

The only positive thing I can think of is having the apartment to myself when Jasper, Dylan, and Kacey all go back home to spend time with their families. It means I can do whatever I'd like without the fear of judgement or the overbearing words of Dylan lingering in the air if I so much breathe the wrong way or show too much skin for his liking.

I'm just scared of the silence that'll fill the apartment when no one's around to fill it, especially when I have no plans to get out of the house and distract myself.

Rushing into work with a large oversized grey crewneck covering my torso with a pair of leggings that clung to my legs, teeth chattering as the fallen snow crunches beneath my sneakers. In one hand I'm clutching the strap of my bag slung over my shoulder but in the other, I'm grasping tightly to the pink ribbon handles of a princess-themed gift bag.

I have to drop my protective hold on my bag to open the door, feeling the humid sticky warmth from all the sweaty dancing bodies flooding outside but even that heat doesn't counteract my shivers. I hold the gift bag closer to my body in a protective manner as I immediately head into the locker room to hide it away, I don't want anyone questioning why I have it therefore I'm rushing to get it hidden away before I'm bombarded.

I have to hold it between my thighs as I unlock the metal door, it creaks as I open it before I place it gently down on the base of my locker. Then I have to quickly strip down to the smaller articles of clothing beneath my sweater, feeling chillier without the warmth surrounding me but I ball it up without a care in the world and shove it over the top of the bag before doing the same with the one that contains all my personal belongs including my phone. 

With a deep exhale, I slammed the door shut and allowed the metallic echo to bounce off the walls as I filled my lungs once again to puff out my chest before finally exiting the room to be immersed back in the vibrating heavy music that rattled my body.

In the past week I've worked five shifts, I kept picking them up and filling in for any of the girls who needed a day off to make sure I was kept busy and distracted. Jasper's been out a lot so I haven't had him around in the house to stick up for me, Kacey tries to tell her brother off for his behaviours towards me but he doesn't take her seriously. My attempts to stand up to him go unnoticed, and he only gets worse if I shout so I've decided to stay quieter in the hopes he just gives up but for some reason, he's becoming obsessive with trying to get in my pants.

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