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AN: Please play the song!! You'll know when to ;)

I spent the entirety of the next day in bed overthinking — my speciality

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I spent the entirety of the next day in bed overthinking — my speciality.

I'd worried Jasper so much he almost didn't go home for Christmas to spend time with his family but in the end, he did, leaving him evidently worried that I'd be alone but it's no different to every year since I was young. The only difference is last week I was in hospital and have been feeling off ever since, an overwhelming anxiety from the situation especially since I couldn't remember it or who did it to me.

Thankfully, I don't have work now until New Year's Eve. That's my first day back after Christmas, to go into the next year surrounded by friends and Harry.

Harry who's thrown my entire mind through a loop as I laid in bed rethinking over our interaction in hospital. It was a lot to take in and I seriously wondered if the hospital was supplying me medication and I hallucinated it all.

But his lips lingered on mine, I could feel them moulding with passion when I'd reside deep in thought and there's no way I could make that up. Every time my eyelids fluttered shut his face was at the forefront of my mind whispering gently down at me that he cared, that he stayed with me in the hospital because he cared.

Yeah, that's still absolutely fucking mind-boggling.

I've had minimal contact with everyone from work, a fault caused by my own actions when I left most of their messages on delivered because my mind is completely all over the place. I started off answering a few of Niall's texts in the beginning, he had been so worried about me and as far as I'm aware he doesn't know that Harry stayed with me so he had no idea the outcome of where I was whisked off to.

So I had to fill him in, something I found heavy to do which is most likely why I struggled in continuing to keep up conversation with him but he's been extremely consistent – I think I'm eliciting anxiety inside of him which I feel extremely terrible for.

Sugar and Petal have also been messaging me to make sure I'm okay, not as continuous but checking in on occasion, however getting a response from me is proving extremely hard. My phone is often not charged, I don't bother to plug it in despite Jasper's pestering for me to so he can reach me while he's gone.

He worries but not enough to actually get wholeheartedly concerned.

But I don't mind, he's busy and he can't continually be worried about what the twenty-one-year-old orphan is doing for Christmas.

And if anyone wondered what that was, they'd probably not be surprised that I was sitting alone on the couch under a thick blanket drinking a hot chocolate and pretending the day was any other but Christmas. Which is easy when the apartment isn't decorated, it feels like a normal day where everyone else is busy and I'm just stuck at home. As long as I don't accidentally flick onto a channel showing a Christmas movie then everything should go swimmingly.

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