Chapter One

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Uta, what are you doing here?" Shoko says, letting her friend into her apartment. Shoko studies her, noticing the dark circles under her eyes. "Hey, are you okay? I know you've been crying," Shoko says, her concern growing as Utahime starts crying.

"Shoko... I'm pregnant," Utahime says between sobs.

"You're what?!" Shoko yells in shock.

Utahime takes a deep, shaky breath, trying to steady herself. "I was visiting my mother at the shrine, and she started talking rubbish about carrying the future of jujutsu sorcery in my womb. Of course, I laughed at her because that's impossible. But then I started getting morning sickness and cravings, and the mood swings made everything even worse. So I did the stupid test. I bought tests at two different pharmacies, and they were all positive. I don't know what to do," she sobs.

Shoko reaches out, wrapping an arm around Utahime's shoulders and guiding her to the couch. "It's his, right?" she asks gently, but with a sense of dread.

Utahime nods, her tears flowing freely now. "It's Gojo's."

"That's bad, Utahime. This is dangerous. If the higher-ups or the Gojo clan discovers this, you're in deep shit," Shoko says, her worry evident.

"Which is why I'm going to raise him by myself," Utahime says, her voice gaining a hint of resolve amidst the tears. She wipes her eyes, taking a deep breath. "As a former miko, I still hold certain values close to me. Abortion is not an option. My mother didn't teach me about that, even though I haven't always followed her teachings, like sex before marriage and now a child out of wedlock."

Shoko tightens her grip on Utahime's shoulder, offering silent support as she processes the gravity of the situation. "But if I suddenly go missing, that will be suspicious. Gakuganji is very sharp. The best course of action now is either pretend nothing has happened until he asks or just tell him now so all suspicions will be removed. If he asks, I'll tell him the father is a non-jujutsu sorcerer."

Shoko frowns, thinking it over. "That might buy you some time, but it's risky. The higher-ups are bound to question everything, especially with someone like you."

Utahime nods, understanding the complexity of the situation. "I know it's risky, but disappearing would be even riskier. At least this way, we can control the narrative to some extent."

Shoko sighs, looking deeply into Utahime's eyes. "And I know Gojo is a piece of shit and whatever relationship you two have is complicated, but he's still my friend. I know he would want to know if you were carrying his child. I've seen Gojo with many women, and I've never seen him look at a woman with so much respect and adoration as he does you."

Utahime looks away, tears welling up again. "Shoko, I don't know if I can face him. It's so complicated."

Shoko gently lifts Utahime's chin, making her meet her eyes. "Tell him how you feel about the baby and your plans. He will understand. He values your opinion more than anyone else right now."


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Stay Safe 


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