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Another update ❤️

                ~Rudraksh POV~

"Y-you used me"

The woman who was stammering infront of me was my wife, whom I got married just a day ago infront of this world and tonight was our wedding night.

I respect women, I'm very gentle to them until their family has destroyed my childhood.

"Yes, I used you for my revenge" I said rudely.

I was laughing scarasticly few moments ago but when topic comes at my revenge my eyes darkens.

"Since the day one?" Her almost inaudible voice questioned with unbelievable eyes.

"Since the day one" i answered in assertion.

Her wide eyes has turned in slightly red one, her Kohl was smudge, she wiped tears and took few steps towards me.

"How easily can you say that rudraksh! It's our wedding night, I was wait-"

"Waiting for me to make love to you?" I cutted her off with curious eyes.

"Huh! You kashikgarh people are really fool. You think I will love you, can't you sense the intense fire in my eyes" i came closer her dangerously and whispered.

Her wet eyes showed unbearable pain.

"I believed in you blindly. I fell for you unconditionally and you're saying that you just used me for a mere revenge. You married me, you made me your wife infront of world only for revenge? You kissed me, you made me wait for three years just for revenge?" She sniffed and pointed a finger to me.

"I've never done any evil to you then why me rudra why me?" She shouted and continued crying.

"You never did but your father" my cold reply made her stop crying and look at me.

She wiped her tears and asked,

"What do you mean? What my baapusa has done to you?"

"Acting innocent! I appreciate how woman can manipulate others by their innocent act" I said taking seat on couch.

"I'm asking you what my baapusa has done to you" she dangerously whispered.

Her face held anger and pain which was totally visible.

"As if you don't know what your bloody father has done to my father" I stated casually while her anger rose.

"Watch your language! He is my father" her authoritative voice made me stand up walk to her.

Her innocent acting was getting on my nerves now. She knew everything about our past still pretending to be unknown.

I decreased our distance and snaked my arms around her waist.

"You know what, i love playing hard so play this innocence game as much as you want but let me tell you" my right hand made way to cup her throat and left one pulled her more closer from waist.

I felt her gulping down hard.

"I will make your life a living hell. Each day of yours here with me will make you cry. Your family would regret each of their sins" i whispered as my anger grew.

I felt her trembling, her lips parted and she sobbed lightly.

"R-rdra-ksh, i-i love you" she stammerd.

This sentence arrowed my heart, I felt like she was innocent, her tears were true and I needed to apologise for my behaviour but this perspective changed as a flashback scene played in my mind.

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