Jaddu - Kuldeep (part1)

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It was a cold dark night and the clock had just struck 2 a.m. The streets were empty and the entire neighborhood was asleep The only sound was the faint rustling of the wind as it blew through the empty alleyways The streetlights flickered occasionally casting long shadows on the walls of the houses.

Kuldeep moved quietly through the narrow streets his eyes scanning the houses around him He had been planning this for weeks waiting for the right moment to strike He wasn't a professional thief but he had learned enough tricks to slip in and out of houses without being caught.

Tonight he needed to find a house with an open window, somewhere he could sneak in without making much noise. His heart raced as he moved through the shadows his black hoodie blending into the night.

Kuldeep stopped in his tracks when he noticed a house with a second floor window slightly open His eyes lit up It was perfect No lights were on and the window was just enough for him to climb through He took a deep breath scanning the area to make sure no one was around.

This is it he whispered to himself and then made his move

With silent steps Kuldeep crossed the street and reached the wall of the house He looked up at the open window. The second floor wasn't too high and there was a pipe along the wall that he could use to climb up. Without wasting any time Kuldeep grabbed onto the pipe and began to pull himself up carefully placing his feet on the narrow ledge below the window

The wind whistled around him as he climbed, but Kuldeep kept his focus. He didn't want to make any mistakes now As he reached the second-floor window he gently pushed it open wider and slipped inside His feet landed softly on the floor and he took a moment to catch his breath.

Inside the room was dark and quiet Kuldeep could hear the faint sound of breathing coming from the other side of the room Someone was asleep. He froze his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't expect anyone to be in the room but now that he was inside he had no choice but to continue.

He moved carefully trying to make as little noise as possible He could see a few pieces of furniture in the room some drawers a small table and a wardrobe. He figured there might be something valuable inside but first he needed to make sure the person in the bed stayed asleep

As he crept closer to the bed, he caught a glimpse of the person lying there. It was Jaddu, a man he had seen around the neighborhood but had never spoken to. Jaddu was fast asleep, his chest rising and falling steadily. Kuldeep held his breath hoping that Jaddu wouldn't wake up.

Just as he was about to start searching the room, Kuldeep heard a creak behind him. He spun around quickly, but there was nothing there. The sound had come from the window. His heart raced. Had he left it open too wide Was the wind moving it.

Kuldeep moved back toward the window his hands trembling slightly. He didn't want to make any noise but he had to check. As he got closer he heard the creaking sound again It was faint but it was definitely coming from the window.

Meanwhile Jaddu stirred in his sleep. Something had disturbed him though he wasn't fully awake yet He shifted in bed his mind still foggy with sleep There it was againa soft creak like something brushing against the window His eyes opened slightly and for a moment he thought it was just the wind.

But the sound didn't stop.

Jaddu sat up in bed blinking into the darkness His room was quiet but that sound the creaking was too close It wasn't coming from outside It was coming from right by the window inside the room.

His heart began to pound in his chest as he realized someone might be in the room with him Slowly he turned his head toward the window his eyes adjusting to the dim light. He could just make out a shadowy figure near the window The figure was crouched low moving carefully.

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