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I hugged my coat tighter to my body as I walked through the breezy wind. Winter in the city was not the best temperature wise but it was always gorgeous.
Every tree was covered with snow, looking like miniature Christmas trees, the wind making snowflakes fall. The scenery was beautiful. Too beautiful not to take a picture.
I watched as some of the children played with their sleds, some were throwing snowballs at each other while their parents trailed not too far behind them.
"Mommy I want to play in the snow." I looked down at my baby boy, as he watched all the other kids play. There was no school today so of course, all of the kids were outside playing in the snow.
They couldn't wait for it to touch the ground. I remember being just like that when I first moved here. Now, I hate it.
"Maybe after okay?" He nodded his head. I rushed to get him inside the building, noticing his nose and cheeks were turning red.
Walking into the building, I released the hold on my coat as soon as I felt the warmth hit my skin.. I was a few minutes late to work, but I'm pretty sure the head was later than me. Or, I was more so hoping.
I walked down to the elevator.
I stood off to the side while everyone covered the elevator doors, like nobody was going to be coming off. I won't be apart of that chaos.
I held on to Kaidens hand as he looked down at his feet, hoping back and forth between the tiled squares, singing himself a little tune.
After a couple minutes, as I predicted, there was a group of people trying to rush off while those were trying to rush on. I waited until it calmed down to enter the door.
I shook my head and pressed the 4th floor, happy I was the first one to be getting off.
Exiting the elevator, I walked down the hallway to my office, everyone gushing over Kaiden each step. I watched as he took in all the attention, smiling so hard.
My baby was the opposite of shy, very much outspoken and outgoing. He loved to be seen, acknowledged.
"Good morning boo. Hi auntie baby." Kelly said as she slid me a muffin and a tea, taking Kaiden into her embrace. I just smiled.
Kaiden ran up to her and clung into her side.
"You do love me." I took a sip of the tea and loved the fact that it wasn't too hot but perfectly warm.