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"Okay so what have you been doing with your time? It's been what? 6 years since I last saw you?"Bianca asked as I sat across from her

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"Okay so what have you been doing with your time? It's been what? 6 years since I last saw you?"Bianca asked as I sat across from her. We were sitting in this restaurant she invited me to.

She wanted to treat us after the success of the show. I mean it's fair, won't be the first or last time this happens. But, why not exactly after we had the show? It's been a few weeks now. I guess there isn't a limit to celebration?

"I'm sure you've seen what I've been doing, you've been there, in my business. Where's Robyn? I thought you said you invited her too?" I questioned.

Honestly, I was antsy. I don't know why, I just was. My gut was telling me something and I couldn't quite pinpoint it. I can't stand when I can't interpret what my gut is telling me.

"I did invite her. She said she was coming. You don't trust being alone with me or something?" She awkwardly laughed.

I didn't laugh along with her. I really didn't trust her. She could have any weird motive up her sleeve. I wasn't trying to be a victim of anything else. I was making sure of that.

"I mean, you said she was coming, that's why I asked. It's been 20 minutes." I was now bouncing my leg. It was going on 4:30 in the afternoon, we were supposed to meet at 4.. Ive known Robyn to be late, but never this late.

Maybe she forgot? She does have a lot on her plate with her business.

"Your girl doesn't trust you or something?" She asked randomly.

"What? What does she have to do with this?"

"You're acting weird. Like you can't be out on outings with people, like you'll get cussed out or something. You are a business owner after all." She tried to make a point and it still wasn't making sense to me.

"Im acting weird? How are we having a celebration and the main person isn't here? I'm just worried about my friend." I explained. Half of it was the truth.

Bianca just nodded her head and pulled her phone out. I did the exactly same thing. I looked at my phone to see if Robyn texted me abc and I rolled my eyes noticing that she didnt. She really could be a terrible texter at times. She was the friend that you'd have to call to get an answer out of.

I hate that because I hate talking on the phone at times.
Texting is so much simpler.

"Hi! I'm Sam, I'm your waitress. Can I start you guys with any drinks?" SHe took her notepad out.

"Hi, can I have a dirty caramel latte?" Bianca ordered. Sam wrote the order down and looked at me.

"I'll just take a water." She nodded her head and went over to the bar to make our drinks.

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