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The big night was here— Fenty/ Maraj Night. Maraj because I literally couldn't do nothing without her by my side, including her girlfriend.
Just because she wasn't on the frontlines, doesn't mean she didn't put in just as much work. I feel like being there when I was emotionally down to pick me up deserves recognition.
I swear I was driving myself mad.
I looked around at the group of models and staff. Nights like these are always so hectic. Everyone was trying to get their hair, make up and whatever extra adjustments they wanted to make done to their outfits.
When it came to my models I let them have freedom... to an extent. As long as it didn't look a mess and heightens the view of my creation? I will be just fine.
Shouldn't be too much though because you're walking in.. lingerie.
I was trying to keep myself calm through it all. Maintaining control, when on the inside I was withering. Nights like this were always so overwhelming for me.
Something always seemed to happen—never giving a 100% smooth run through.
I was now down two models. I figured I'll just walk in the show among the models, that's not an issue.
My issue was.. who was going to wear the last piece? Beyoncé told me she didn't want to walk in the show and that was fine, I'm not mad at her. I can say this was the part I was unprepared for.
That was rare for me and I was disappointed.
"Calm down Robyn. You got this" Onika tried to cheer me up. She gave me some more encouragement, speaking success through the show before we even started.
We worked so well because we were interchangeable. If I didn't have the faith for it, believe Onika had enough faith to carry the entire show.
She was confident in everything shes done, even if it came out as a fail, she was proud of those too. She just always learned to quickly learn from her fails.
"I never found a model to wear this piece though." I ran my hand against forehead.
"I told you to do it yourself. It's your lingerie, you know the vision you want set for it." Onika tried to convince me but I wasn't just sold. You know those things where you just feel like only one person could fulfill it?
That was this moment.
I need someone on the caliber of Beyoncé. I had many women in my show but none just as her. I NEED her to do that fierce walk down the runway in this piece.