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Being a stay at home mom has always been something I wanted to do but it was quite boring

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Being a stay at home mom has always been something I wanted to do but it was quite boring. Without Onika or Kaiden here, I was really lonely. I needed to find something to occupy my time.

My mom was at work, Kelly at work and even if she has her own family, Lauren I simply wasn't talking to and my sister was down in Louisiana for a couple of days.

But what was I doing? Sitting on the couch stuffing my face with chips while everyone else was doing something productive with their lives.

Maybe I should check in with Megan. Last time I talked to her, she was shooting for a magazine. Rihanna's show actually put a lot on the map for Megan.

It broadcasted her as not only a model but anything else she did creatively. People were all over her.

I grabbed my phone and saw that I had a bunch of attachments from that number kehlani was texting me from. I've been ignoring her but I should've blocked her. I didnt think it was important because I was already ignoring her. I went to the thread to block the number when a couple photos she sent caught my eye.

I zoomed in on the photos and analyzed them thoroughly.

What caught my eye was how recent it looked. The hair was something Onika had done and the bracelet on her wrist, Kaiden made for her. I laughed hysterically before I downloaded the photos and sent it to her. I went ahead and blocked Kehlani's number.

She wasn't doing anything but trying to destroy everything over here because she destroyed her own. I couldn't stand people who were like that. We are adults.

You made the bed so now you have no choice but to lay in it.

I couldn't stop thinking about the photo and it did nothing but make me more upset. I hate when I allow the slightest thing to throw my entire day off.

It doesn't matter that I had the girl in the end.
It was still embarrassing and she had photos to go with it.

My phone chimed and I noticed it was Onika

🤞🏾🩷: I can explain

I felt my body heat up with anger as I read the message over and over and over again. I honestly didn't do anything but laugh the entire thing off. My phone then flashed with her contact in the banner.

I quickly declined the call and she called immediately after.

I was thinking of ways not to wrangle this girl.
Why does she always find a way to embarrass me?
Time and time again.

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