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Why do I allow myself to be strung along? I'm too smart for the shit I put myself through

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Why do I allow myself to be strung along?
I'm too smart for the shit I put myself through. Why do I do this to myself? I am more than capable of my worth.

So why do I allow myself to be the other woman? It is so angering because I am now so far deep, I love this woman. I am in love with her. They say they're isn't that much love in the world but baby I must disagree.

If there isn't that much love in the world, why do we allow ourselves to chase it? Why do we allow ourselves to do the things we do for the sake of love? To be loved?

Let's be realistic, love is a game that we all play. Some people win at it. Some people lose and go play the game with someone else until they get to the finish line.

I just hope I get my happy ending.

"Kaiden baby, you have to hurry up and eat." I seem to go through this with him every morning. He eats his food real extra slow because he wants to watch tv.

"Mommy, I want to be a PJ mask." He said finally drinking his orange juice.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! They're so cool. Just like me." He said stuffing pancakes in his face.

"What would your name be?" I asked him.

"Kaicobra." I looked at him confused.

"A what?"

"Kaicobra! I have to mix my name up with an animal! That's what they do in the show." He shrugged eating a sausage.

"Oh really? What's the owl girl name."

"Owlette mom." He straight faced me.

"Whatever same thing. What's her real name. I know her mama ain't name her that."


"You see. Her name not included in her.. uhm what's it called. What is she?"

"She's a hero mom! She saves people at night." He was getting real passionate over this show.

"So you meaning to tell me this little girl is sneaking out at night to save the city? Where her parents at?"

"Beyoncé cut it out." Onika came in the kitchen laughing. She had her hair up done into a bun and she had on a red pantsuit.

She wore her face bare except for lip gloss and a winged liner.

Kaiden smiled when he saw her.

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