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A/N: Sorry gang...  I forgot this existed 😔 Anyways!! 

The alley is dark and disgusting. There's lots of rats scurrying around all over the place. They're trying to eat my toes, so I have to constantly shake them off of me.

"OK SO WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO IN THIS ALLEY???? I WAS LYING TO NENE THE POLICE PROBABLY ARE GONNA FIND US," I yell, staring into Rui's yellow orbs. He looks freakishly calm, then again I'm not surprised. He's probably run from the police before anyway. 

"Fufufu...~" He giggles, his orbs turning a bright crimson red as he places his hand onto a brick, "Oh wait whoopsies!! I forgot I need to transform for this!!"

"YOU'RE TURNING INTO A FUCKING WOLF AGAIN????" I scream, staring at him in horror.

"Nope, well not completely~" He sing-songs, smiling deviously before his hand suddenly turns into a paw...? What the fuck is wrong with him. Is he on crack???

Rui presses his paw onto the brick. The wall suddenly opens as he drags me inside. The room is dark, and I can barely see a thing. It could be worse though, at least there's no bugs!!!! 

Suddenly, the light turns on, and I see two familiar faces...


"Hi Tsukasa-senpai... We've been meaning to tell you this but..." Toya trails off, looking embarrassed. He's dressed in a suit for some reason, and his hair is slicked back.

"We're in the fucking mafia," Akito finishes for him. (Ew ginger, I hate those.)

"YOU GUYS ARE IN THE WHAT??????" I'm absolutely flabbergasted, my orbs are wide as I stare at the two boys. I wouldn't have been surprised if Rui was the one in the mafia, but THESE TWO?? Especially Toya!!!!

"Mafia..." Toya trails off, laughing awkwardly.

"Fufufu~~ Do you guys have what I asked for?" Rui suddenly asks, his orbs are filled with a foreign emotion. I stare at the three of them in horror and shock.

Akito gestures to the back, he looks so done with everything. 

There's a gigantic red button encased in glass with some weird letters on it. I don't know what the fuck it says. All I can say in English is "I AM WORLD FUTURE STAR TSUKASA TENMA," but I think it says "ヌ-カ?"

YANDERE ALPHA RUI X TSUKASAWhere stories live. Discover now