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That night the wind whistled loudly, Summer was still wide awake as she laid on the pullout couch as the hurricane roared above the small house. Summer had put Dolly down a while ago, her nerves making her hands too shaky to play anything.

So the girl did the only logical thing to do, she walked over to JJ's room and opened the door. "J?" Summer questions softly which made him grumble in his sleep. "J." Summer says as she poked his back, JJ turning over and opening his eyes softly.

"Summer?" JJ questions, the girl nodding. "What's wrong?" JJ questions, sitting up a bit as thunder struck, Summer's eyes widening. The blonde instantly knew what was up. He shifted back a bit and opened the blanket for her.

Summer laid down and faced her friend, a small smile on her face. "Thanks J." She says as she allows herself to fall asleep as the storm raged on. "Anytime Sunny." JJ says as they both fall asleep.

Early the next morning, Summer woke up to the sound of distant thunder, the girl turning over and immediately being met with JJ's bare back. 

The girl had gotten up, and checked her phone for any texts or calls from Trinity. "No service...great." She says, the sun not yet being out to illuminate much of anything. "What're you doing up?" JJ questions which made her turn and see the blonde rubbing his eyes.

"Storm's over." Summer says softly which made JJ look out the window, seeing the sky was still dark, then checking his phone. "Sweets, it's 4:30." JJ says tiredly, Summer shrugging. "I'm going to get water." Summer says as she stands up, JJ groaning softly as he stood to follow.

Summer softly hummed to herself as she got a glass of water, not seeing JJ sprawled across the pullout couch, the blonde already asleep. "J." Summer says, as she puts the glass down, sitting on the mattress.

"It's too early, let me sleep." JJ says which makes her laugh as she lies down, both of them falling back asleep.

But the next morning Summer was tired, JJ was slightly awake as John B passed them. "Yo, JJ, Sunny, you been outside?" John B questions, Summer humming tiredly as she buried her face in her pillow. "I have polio, bro. I can't walk." JJ says as John B walked outside.

"Gotta get up." JJ says as he gets up, but Summer wasn't having it. "No." She says as she covered her face once again, JJ chuckling as he grabbed a beer, walking outside to meet with John B. 

But when he came back in with John B, the blonde grabbed Summer and hauled her over his shoulder. "JJ! Put me down!" Summer exclaims but JJ refused. When they got the boat into the water, JJ finally put Summer down.

"Asshole." Summer muttered as John B drives the boat. "You love me." JJ says as Summer grumbles under her breath tiredly. "You're lucky I still have my suit under this." 


When John B got them into the cut, Summer looked around. "It's kind of a smuggler's boat." JJ states, but stops when he sees people on the dock listening in.

"Uh... Good mornin'!" John B shouts as he keeps driving the boat. "Sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink." JJ says, Summer nodding in agreement. "He doesn't have insurance." Summer states, John B nodding in agreement as Summer shut her eyes from the sunlight.

"Yeah." John B says as they pass by Miss Amy's house. "Here we go." Summer murmurs. "Hi, Miss Amy! You guys get through it?" JJ shouts over, the blonde woman looking over. "Still here." Miss Amy says as John B continued driving.

"She totally looked at me." JJ says which made Summer roll her eyes playfully. "I saw it." John B defends. "You're such a perv J." Summer says which made the blonde look over at her, a brow raised. 

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