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When they got back to land, they stayed at the dock to open the bag. "What do you think it is?" Kiara questioned as John B knelt to open the bag.

"Gotta be money, right?" John B questioned. "That or a couple of keys with street value to the low-to mid-mils!" JJ joked which made everyone chuckle.

"Can we please just open the bag?" Pope questions exasperated, everyone turning to him. "Wow, Pope. That's a rare outburst of emotion." John B says in shock, everyone voicing their opinions on the matter.

"Okay. You guys are literally killing me with anticipation. Open the bag." Pope exclaims. "Jeez." JJ says defensively. "We almost died over this." Pope says, Summer nodding. "He's got a point man." Summer says.

John B opened the bag, which revealed a smaller bag, then revealing a metal canister. Summer was practically on the edge of her seat when he opened it, but only to reveal a compass.

"Oh, wow. Yup. That's about right. Good job, everybody. We found a compass." Pope says, but Summer saw the look on John B's face, this was important.

"Dude, what? It's not worth anything." JJ questions, but a small smile made its way to John B's face. "This was my father's." John B says, a wide grin on his face, everyone looking to each other in shock.


John B was the first to go home, then Kiara, and finally Pope, which left Summer and JJ by themselves. "Wanna stay over?" Summer questions as they walked down the street of the cut, JJ nodding with a nervous smile.

When they got to Summer's house, they both walked in and saw Trinity watching TV. "How was swimming?" Trinity questioned, JJ sending Summer a look which made her nod. "Great, JJ almost drowned though." Summer says which made Trinity chuckle.

"Almost drowned Maybank?" Trinity questioned, JJ grumbling under his breath. "Oh, and, JJ's staying over tonight." Summer says, Trinity nodding. Even though the older girl never saw Luke Maybank hit his son, she knew the signs.

"Yeah just, don't do anything weird." Trinity says, this made Summer scoff out a laugh as they walked to Summer's room. "Here." Summer says as she passed him a pair of pj pants and a large t-shirt. "Thank you." JJ says as he grabbed the stack and ran to the bathroom.

Summer swiftly changed into a t-shirt and shorts, sitting on her bed with Dolly in her lap. "They fit!" JJ exclaims jokingly as he does a twirl for Summer who laughed. The blonde boy then sat on Summer's bed and stared at her holding her guitar. 

"What'cha lookin' at?" Summer questions as she stopped strumming, now looking up at the blonde boy. JJ was looking at her with emotions she couldn't read, too many of them passed too quickly for her to read.

"I'm lookin' at you." JJ says which made her smile softly. "Well, I know that. But what're you lookin' at that makes you look like that?" Summer questions as JJ slowly moved closer.

"I know John B said 'no pogue on pogue macking' but God I've wanted to do this for 3 years." JJ says which made Summer's eyes widen. JJ moved his hands to cradle her face, looking for any sign of not wanting to do this in Summer's eyes, but he saw none.

So when JJ finally pressed his lips against hers, it was as if the dam had broken. Summer moved her hands and tangled them in his blonde hair, JJ let out a soft groan which made Summer laugh against his lips. 

When they separated, Summer was incredibly flustered. "Wow." JJ says as he ran a hand through his hair, a wide grin on his face. "So...you liked me since you were 13?" Summer questions. JJ simply wrapped an arm around her waist, laying them both down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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