He is gone pt 2

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TW: $u!c!d3, death
Kyle giving him no room to come closer, he bee lined up to him. "Get the f*ck out of here" he said viciously. "You won't stand in the way of us" he said. "You broke into her house at midnight and tried to grab and kiss her. You better thank God I wasn't here because if I was because you would be in a body bag" Kyle replied. "You think I'm scared of you, I don't care if you're in the military. You're not the only one who can use a gun" he responded. Kyle walked up "guess you need a reminder of last time" Kyle said. Joseph sighed "look man let's try to be reasonable and I will be honest Kay and I have history, my life is in shambles, my family is in shambles, the kid may not be mine and the kid got issues anyway. Please you're a man of means, and good looks you can find a new woman easily. Please let me have Kay, I have a bit of money left I can pay you" he said. Shocked and in disbelief Kyle responded "Are you out of f**king mind! She a human being not a car to buy and trade! You left her! You abandoned, cheated and had a kid with another woman"! Joseph cut off yelling "I know I messed up ok?! I'm not a perfect man! I admit my fault!" "You just want her back for the money, I know all about it" Kyle said! "It's not that, maybe my parents but I love her, I miss her and I was wrong. I don't care about the money I would rebuild it" he said. "Look man, you have to accept facts she is with me now and I love her, I'm not letting her go. You can start over a new life divorce your wife, get your kid situation fixed and move forward. My family have numbers to family lawyers if you need" Kyle said, hoping this would settle him and make him leave them alone. "I don't need your damn pity. I don't need you looking down on me. I just need you out of my damn way" he said angrily. Kyle sighed his patience at a thread "look last chance leave us alone or I will make you leave us alone" he said. "Who do you think you are asshole" Joseph said. "Leave now" Kyle said. Joseph tried to punches Kyle in the face, Kyle immediately responded and blocked him, grabbed his arm and placed it behind his back with his boot on his back, and pulled until a snap was heard and a scream that can shatter ear drums. "You broke my arm, are you insane" he cried. Kyle bent down to his eyes. "Look I tried to be calm but I don't think you know what I keep repressed. You don't know how much I keep my blood lust down. Kay keeps it down, she calms a lot of my anger down so I'm not giving her to you or anyone. So leave, accept your failure and get out" he said viciously. "I cant drive you broke my arm", he said crying. Kyle pulls out his phone and calls 911. "They'll be here in a few minutes. Let this be the last time I see you" Kyle said. "You're a psycho" Joseph cried out. Kyle ignored his words, he didn't have to say anything else, he has won. After 5 minutes the ambulance pulled up, and took Joseph away. No one asked questions. He left and went home, and saw Kay. "He won't bothered you anymore" he told her everything. "Are you ok, did cops say anything" she asked. "No one said anything but it was self defense, he attempted to attack me first after I told him to leave multiple times and he was trespassing at your home. He would be going to jail not me". "I just don't want you getting in trouble, I rather you just call the cops", she said. "The cops known me since I was a kid I even worked for them. They will have my back, don't stress ok", he said reassuring her. "I trust you, it's him I don't trust. He can be spiteful, and vengeful. I wasn't his only victim. He hurt a lot of people to be honest. I was the only one telling him to change his ways" she said. "You're too good for him" Kyle said.
Joseph was at the hospital getting his arm fixed, when his wife came in. "You idiot! You went over there and got your arm broken, you better still go to work. We need money!"  She yelled, a few nurses peeping in the room. "That all you care about, you didn't even ask if I was ok" he yelled back! "You shouldn't been there. You need to make a decision, me or her" she yelled. "Her, I want a divorce and nothing to do with YOUR son" he put emphasis on your son. "I hate you, you will always owe me money". "I want a DNA test" he said. "Fine, it won't matter anyway" she said. Joseph and Haley go home, he sat in his study alone. He research DNA testing and booked it. He got a sample from his son and him. He sent it off, and was scared to find out his son was not his. He was so excited to be a father but it all went wrong. If his son is his, he will fight for custody. He took it to the hospital and waited a week. The results were sent to his email, he didn't want the chance of Haley getting them and destroying it. He opened it, his son was not his. He was angry and heartbroken at the same time. He confronted Haley who was on her phone. "You liar, you were cheating on me at the same time as your pregnancy. How could you" he asked? Haley laughed "what you want me to say I'm sorry, cry, again I remind you, you're not a victim. You cheated on Kay to be with me and wanted a baby I gave you a baby. So be grateful and let's go back to normal" she said. "Are you out of your mind! You talk about this like it's no big deal. You hurt all of us! Nothing been normal since you came in my life He yelled! "Ugh look deal with it or don't I will still get paid" she said smugly. Joseph shook his head and walk away. He sat in his office drinking himself til extremely drunk. "I deserve this, I been a bad person to everyone. I hurt my dear ex wife, old friends, everyone. I should do the right thing and get rid of myself". He pulled out a piece a paper and began writing. He pour out his heart, making sure he got everything out. He pulls out his gun and held it to his temple. Haley heard a loud bang from upstairs, she ran up the stairs. She saw Joseph lying on the floor gasping, he shot himself in the leg. He was drunk and use his bad arm to shoot and missed. "Help" he breathed out, hoping his wife had some humanity. Haley picking up the gun. "You idiot, you can't even die right, but that ok I realize I would get more money with you being dead" she said brightly. "Please help me" Joseph squeezed out. She held up the gun and began hitting herself, bruising her arms, tossing things on the floor and screaming "you're drunk, don't hurt me" ! Joseph immediately realized with the consciousness he had left what she was going to do. She held up the gun and pulled the trigger. She immediately began trashing more of the room and call 911 and put on her best crying voice. "Please hurry my husband attacked me and I had to shoot him" she cried. The police came extremely quickly and saw everything. Joseph was pronounced deceased.

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