Chapter 1

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 Abigail sat on top of the Washington Monument. A warm breeze filled the sky, brushing through her blonde hair. Abby had grown wings a few weeks earlier, the day her parents died in a car crash, and this was her first time to actually use them. For the weeks following her mother and father's deaths, she had gotten many notes saying how sorry people were. The funeral had been only a few days ago and Abby had to keep her wings hidden under a trench coat that she found in the closet. She stayed inside her house, at least until the funeral, scared to go outside. After that, she chose to stay away from people.

A police siren suddenly caught her ear. She slowly stood up, careful not to fall, and looked in the direction where the sirens were coming from. She could see the flashing lights headed towards the White House. Abigail spread her large white wings and jumped off the monument. She opened her wings, and was caught on a breeze. Abby flew over Washington DC, quickly making her way towards the White House. She landed herself among the trees and tried to listen to what the police were saying.

"What's happening?" one man asked.

"We received intel that there was an intruder in the White House," another said. "He was last seen heading towards the Oval Office."

"How did this guys get past the Secret Service men?"

"I have no clue."

Abby flew out of the trees and towards the building. She peered through the windows, trying to locate the Oval Office. She suddenly noticed a man running down the hall, carrying a gun. Abby sped forward. She finally saw the Oval Office. Secret Service men were surrounding the President, protecting him from the attack that was coming. Abby saw the intruder burst down the door and run into the room. Men began shooting at each other. Abby could barely hear herself think. She looked at the man who had barged in and saw that he was still standing. He began to fight with the Secret Service Men. The intruder managed to take down the men, knocking them unconscious, leaving only him and the President left standing.

Abby shot forward and crashed through the window. Glass sprayed into the room. Both the President and the intruder looked shocked. Abby quickly stood in front of the President, guarding him with her wings.

"Get out of the way," the intruder commanded.

Abby just stared at the man. He lifted his gun and pointed it at the two.

"Fine," he said.

He began to shoot at the two. Abby turned and closed her wings around the President and herself. Her wings suddenly turned to metal, causing the bullets to just bounce off her wings. After a minute, Abby heard a small clicking noise. She stood up and saw a panicked look on the man's face; he was out of bullets. Abby smiled as the metal disappeared from her wings. She threw a quick punch at the man, knocking him down. Police suddenly burst through the door.

"Freeze!" they shouted. "Hands in the air!"

Abby looked stunned and slowly began to put her hands in the air.

"Wait!" a voice said. "Hold your fire!"

It was the President. He looked at Abby and smiled.

"Sir, we ask that you step away from the mutant!" a police man said.

"I said 'hold your fire.'"

The police did as they were told, still keeping an eye on the mutant in front of them.

"Thank you for saving my life," the President said to Abby.

"You're welcome, sir," Abby replied.

"What's you're name?"

"Abigail Rose Smith."

"How old are you, Abigail?"

"I just turned eighteen."

"Well, Abigail. I couldn't be more grateful to you."

Abby blushed.

"In fact, how would you like a job here in the White House?"

Abby looked at the President in disbelief.

"Really?" she asked.

"Of course. You did save my life after all."

"I'd be honored, sir."

"Good. I'd like to give you the title 'Guardian Angel' for your actions today."

The intruder suddenly stood up, pushed a police man out of his way, and ran out of the oval office. Abigail was about to take off after him, but the President stopped her.

"Let him go," he said. "He's learned his lesson."

Guardian Angel (X-men Evolution fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now