Chapter 3

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Abby sat in her room in the White House. Since she had saved the President's life, he had given her a private room only a few hallways from his office. He had even given her her own uniform. It was blue with black gloves, boots, and belt. She normally wore a trench coat when she was walking through the halls of the White House. Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. She quickly slipped on her coat and walked over to the door. When she opened it, she saw a Secret Service man standing at her door.

"How can I help you?" she asked the man.

"The President has requested your presence in his office," he told her.

She followed the man down the halls. He opened the door that led to the Oval Office. He motioned for her to go on in. As she walked in, the man closed the door behind her. In the office was the President and four strangers. The President smiled at her.

"Abigail," he said. "I'd like you to meet Mr. Logan, Mr. LeBeau, Ms. D'Ancato, and Mr. Worthington. They have come from upstate New York to see you."

Abby was shocked.

"Really?" she asked.



"Our Professor wanted us to ask if you would join us," Ms. D'Ancato said. "He had discovered your amazing gifts. Would you show us?"

Abby was unsure, but the President nodded. He trusted these people, so why couldn't she? She could feel her wings under her coat, gently folded against her back. Abby took off the coat, letting it drop to the floor. Her wings opened wide. She saw the four strangers smiling at her.

"Incredible," Ms. D'Ancato said. "Is there anything else you can do?"

Abby closed her wings around her and they became covered in metal. When she opened her wings again, the metal disappeared.

"Très bien," Mr. LeBeau said. "Very nice. Now allow us to be the ones to show off."

He nodded to Mr. Logan.

"Just saying this now," Mr. Logan said. "I'm not going to harm anyone."

He raised his hand in front of his face and metal claws popped out. After a few seconds, they disappeared as quickly as they had come. Mr. Logan looked at Mr. Worthington, who was also wearing a trench coat, Abigail noticed. Mr. Worthington removed the coat and a set of beautiful white wings spread open.

"So there are more of you out there," the President said. "What can you two do?"

He was asking Mr. LeBeau and Ms. D'Ancato.

"Our gifts aren't as friendly," Mr. LeBeau said. "It would be best not to demonstrate."

"I understand."

The President looked at Abigail.

"Abigail," he said, "if you wish, you may go with these people, you may. I will not stop you."

Abigail thought for a moment. She had no family, and the Secret Service could take care of the President. Seeing these other mutants intrigued her and wondered what other kind of powers people had.

"I would love to," she replied.

"Alright, then," Mr. Logan said. "I'll go start the jet. Meet you there."

Mr. Logan walked out of the room. Ms. D'Ancato walked with Abigail to her room to help her pack. After a few minutes, the two met with the others at the jet. The girls climbed into the jet and Mr. Logan closed the door. Abby sat down behind Mr. LeBeau and next to Ms. D'Ancato. Mr. Logan started the engine and flew off into the sky. Ms. D'Ancato turned to look at Abigail.

"Abby," she said. "I want to reintroduce ourselves. My name is Marie D'Ancato, but I'm also known as Rogue. This is Remy LeBeau, also called Gambit, Warren Worthington who is called Angel, and that's Logan also known as Wolverine. We're apart of a team called the X-men. Professor Xavier is the head of our school and keeps us all safe. He cares for all mutants; no matter looks, powers, or pasts."

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