A Rule Slip

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Ace questioned, "Whoa, hold up! Is that one of your rules too?!" Grim shouts, "Yeah! If you want the tart gone, let me eat it!" Cryzuko shrugs and took the tart, giving it to Grim. Trey quickly says, "Housewarden, allow me to apologize. I was the one who suggested making a chestnut tart." Cater agreed, "I was a part of that too. We had no idea there was a rule about it!" Riddle retorts, "The making of the tart is not the issue. The issue is bringing it HERE. Today. THAT is the transgression!" Moonlight shook her head and crossed her arms, "How can you live by such foolish rules?" Riddle became offended, "What did you just call me? "Foolish"?!" Cryzuko felt nervous, "U-um... Guys..." Cater then butted in, "Everyone, stop! Don't dig this hole any deeper!" He looks to Riddle, "And Riddle, please try to remember that these are new students who've only been here a few days!"

Ace retorts, "Nah, bro. I've got a shovel and I am DIGGING. Throwing away a tart to obey some insane rule is about as foolish as it gets." Deuce crossed his arms, "I agree with Ace. Of course, I understand that rules do need to be followed, but..." He sighs, "This is going much too far." Riddle questioned, "Are you attempting to debate me?" He puts a hand on his hip and smirked, "Bold move. But I'll bite." He then frowned, "By breaking even the smallest rule, you are throwing wide the gate to anarchy." Ace looks to the students, "Everyone, I know you're afraid of getting your magic sealed away, but you know this is insane, right?" The students looked to each other and Riddle glared at them, "Well? Isn't it?" Moonlight blushed a lot more, 'Man... he's hot...' Cryzuko noticed that Moonlight's face was deep red and she tilts her head. She then tugged at her skirt as Moonlight snapped out of it, "E-eh?" Then students started responding.

"Far from it, Housewarden Riddle, sir!"

"We trust in your judgment, sir!"

Grim frowned, "You little..." Ace glared at them, "You spineless, fair-weather cowards..." Riddle then started to talk, "In the year since I became housewarden, not a single student from Heartslabyul House has dropped out or been held back a year. We are the only house that can boast such a feat. Furthermore, of everyone in this dorm, I have the best academic standing." He then shouts, "Hence, I am the most correct! If you would simply obey me without question, we wouldn't need to contend so." Deuce retorted, "Listen, we-!" Riddle cuts him off, "It's not off with their heads because I want to do that. I do it because rules must never be broken." Trey kept silent as Riddle continued, "If you will not obey me, then I will have all of your heads!" Cater sighs, looking to the group, "Okay, let's all say, "Yes, Housewarden Riddle."" Cryzuko felt unsure and Moonlight kept silent. Deuce says, "I can't." Ace shouts, "I don't bow to self-important tyrants!" 

Riddle became annoyed, "What did you just call me?" Grim shouts, "He called you a tyrant for wantin' to destroy good food just 'cause you're throwin' a tantrum!" Deuce then says, "Guys, I don't think we need to escalate this-" Riddle shouts, "Off! With! Your! Heads!" Both Grim and Deuce winced. Cryzuko squeaked, "Guys!" Grim shouts, "No! Not the collar again!" Deuce tried to remove the collar, "Gah! I can't get it off!" Riddle ordered, "Trey! Cater! Eject them from the premises!" Cater and Trey nods with a small sigh, "Yes sir, Housewarden." Deuce felt surprised, "Y-you're supposed to be our "mentors"!" Moonlight frowned as Cryzuko's ears droop. Cater nervously chuckled, "Sorry, but we can't disobey our housewarden!" Trey shook his head, "Sorry, man..." Ace glared at the two, "Oh, that's how it's gonna be? Then bring it on!" Trey frowns. Then a fight starts.

After the three lost as Cryzuko and Moonlight just watched. The group minus Moonlight and Cryzuko were dragged out to the enterance, because Moonlight said that she can walk by herself as Cryzuko just wobbled to follow. 

Cater waved, "We'll T-T-Y-L, folks." Trey sighs, "We'll try to calm Riddle down, so maybe he'll let you back in the dorm after you apologize." Cryzuko softly sighs as Ace retorted, "I will NEVER apologize! Not to that numbskull!" Then the two left as Moonlight hums in thought. 

Back in the Tea Garden, Riddle says, "Hmph. Now, let's get this party back on track. After all, we still need to have the croquet tournament." He frowned, "And now we're fifteen minutes behind schedule! This is outrageous!" Trey nods, "Yes sir, Housewarden Riddle." Cater questioned as Trey was about to walk away, "Are you really okay with this, Trey?" Trey turns to him, "What do you expect me to do about it?"

Back to the group, Ace says with a annoyed glare, "I hate that little ginger megalomaniac! Does he think HE's the Queen of Hearts?" Deuce frowns, "Banished by the housewarden from my own dorm... My dream of becoming an honor student is slipping further and further away..." Grim was still trying to get the collar, "Stupid collar! It's so tight! Grrr..." Cryzuko gently headpats her lion plushie meanwhile Moonlight was lost in thought, 'Wait... Do I actually find their Dormleader hot??? ' Then suddenly a voice spoke as a head appeared above Cryzuko, "You're really racking up those collars. Quite the impressive collection." The group turns surprised, Grim squeaks, "A ghost head!" Then the guy chuckled, "Oh dear. It seems I'm not all here." Deuce tilts his head, "What? Er, so you do have a body, then? Who are you?" The grinning guy responds, "The name's Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker." His whole body shows as he decides to hug Cryzuko, placing his chin ontop of her head, "Am I a cat? Am I a purrrson? A mimsy borogove, perhaps? A mome rath with a knack for magic?" Cryzuko blinked, "Eh? How do you even say your name? Can I call you a nickname instead?" Then grinning guy chuckled, "People usually just call me Che'nya. Let's just say I'm not from the other side of the looking glass." 

The group didn't like Che'nya just hugging onto Cryzuko. Ace shouted, "Let go of her!" Che'nya grins, "Aww, but it doesn't seem like Cryzuko wants me to go. Right?" Cryzuko tilts her head, "Eh? But I actually don't mind." Che'nya looked at Ace, "See." Ace just pouts as Moonlight raised a brow, 'Is Ace jealous?' Moonlight sighs and questioned, "What dorm are you from?" Che'nya answered, "Why don't you try to guess?" Grim responds, "Oh, I know! He's got animal ears, so he's gotta be from... uh... Bananaclaw, was it?" Che'nya chuckled, "Bzzzzzt! Incorrect. Bananas grow on trees, do they not? I, on the other hand, am a cat." Deuce replied, "And besides, other dorms have students with animal ears, too." Ace sighs, "After the insanity that teapot tyrant put me through, I'm not in the mood for whatever this is. Just leave me alone." Cryzuko frowns, but then Che'nya questioned, "Riddle the teapot tyrant... Heh heh. Well, I can't dismiss that perspective as wrong. He's always been quite strict." 

Moonlight felt curious, "Eh? Do you know something about Riddle?" Che'nya responds, "Perhaps there are things that I know, and perhaps there are things that I don't." Grim shouts, "That's not an answer!" Che'nya shook his head and nuzzled his cheek against Cryzuko's head, "Is there something you wish to know about Riddle?" Ace frowned even more and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, what created such a control freak?" Che'nya chuckled, "I believe his four-eyed friend may have the answer." Deuce felt confused, "Four-eyed friend?" He then realized, "You mean Trey?" Cryzuko felt surprised, "Eh? They were friends?" Che'nya answered, "Yes and he's known Riddle since we were all little boys." He then chuckled, "If you want to know more about Riddle, I would begin my quest there." Deuce frowns a bit, "They're childhood friends? I didn't really get that impression."

Che'nya shook his head, "If you're so perceptive, then what are you asking me for?" He then gives a small kiss to Cryzuko's cheek and stops hugging her. He then stood up and started to disappear, "Buh-bye!" Moonlight was surprised, "Hey!" Che'nya chuckles then fully disappears, Grim frowned and shook his head, "I tell ya, no one makes any sense around here." Deuce sighs, "Well, we're not going to be able to do much in the way of schoolwork with these collars on." He then looks to Moonlight, "So let's go see what Trey has to say, and then..." Moonlight nods, but Ace retorts, "If you're gonna say "apologize to Riddle," you can forget it!" Moonlight sighs, "It's best if you guys go with Cryzuko, I think I need to talk with someone." Then she quickly leaves.

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