A Dorm Suite

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"Not a chance," retorted Leona. Cryzuko sweatdrops and looks down as Jack also sweatdrops, "You didn't even pause before answering..." Leona crossed his arms, "No pets allowed in the dorm. They shed all over the place." Grim stomp his foot, "First of all, I AIN'T NO PET. Second of all, I DO NOT! Aren't you guys, like, a billion times furrier than me?!" Ruggie retorts, "This is about you, not us." Leona sighs, "For one thing... Our empty rooms haven't been cleaned in months. Dorm students use 'em as a dumping ground for their junk." He questioned, "Where are we supposed to put up two extra freeloaders?" Ruggie grins, "Ooh, I know!" He questioned, "Why don't you just bunk with 'em in your room, Leona?" Cryzuko felt surprised, "Eh?" Leona glared at Ruggie, "Ruggie, if you keep flapping your lips, you're about to find 'em sewn shut." Ruggie shrugged, "Think of it this way, Leona. You're used to havin' people do everything for ya, right?" He chuckled, "What if we put 'em in charge of serving you instead of charging for room and board? Seems like a win-win to me."

Leona growled a bit, "Ruggie, you little..." Ruggie just puts his hands up in defense, "Hey, I still ain't fully healed up from the interdorm Spelldrive tournament, y'know? I dunno if it was that major magic I chugged a whole potion to use or what, but hard work's been wearin' me down more than ever lately." He sighed, "And if I might remind you, Leona, I busted my tail for you. So I'm thinkin' I'd heal a whole lot faster if I had these guys waiting on you for a while!" Leona puts a hand on his face, "You're a regular mercenary sometimes." Ruggie chuckled, "Hey now, I haven't said a single dishonest word! Shyeheehee." Leona narrowed his eyes as he removed his hand, "Maybe, but I don't let just anyone cozy up to me like that." He then ordered, "Hey, boys! C'mere a sec!" Then three students showed up.

"Yes, sir! You called, Housewarden?"

"Oh, hey, it's the schmucks who spied on Savanaclaw before the Spelldrive tournament."

"Ain't every day an escaped quarry comes back to us!"

Leona looks to Cryzuko and Grim, "Fight my dorm's students. If you win, I'll let you stick around as gophers." He sighed, "I don't care if it IS just for three days. Savanaclaw's got no use for dead weight, no matter how short or long your stay." Cryzuko then puts two hands together and showed puppy dog eyes, "Please be gentle!" 

After a bit of fighting and dodging, Cryzuko landed on her two feet as Leona crossed his arms and placed a hand on his face, "How could you lose to some puny little herbivores that fast? You're givin' me a bad name over here."

"Yipe! Sorry, sir!"

Grim looked to Leona, "Okay, a deal's a deal! I want that three-day stay and I want it now!" Leona slightly growled, "Tch. Just remember, even the slightest bit of trouble from you and you'll be out the door faster than you can say "tuna casserole." You hear me?" Cryzuko quickly nodded with a small smile, "Okay!" Grim then whispered to himself, "Phew. At least now we don't gotta sleep outside." Ruggie looked to Jack, "All right. Jack, bring some spare bedding to Leona's room." Jack nodded, "Will do." Jack then left to get the spare bedding. Ruggie laughed, "Shyeheehee! Lucky me! I get to coast down easy street for three whole days!" Leona glared at Ruggie, "I heard that, you know. You're in for it later." He looked to Cryzuko and Grim, "Okay, herbivores. Get the lead out and follow me."

Grim and Cryzuko followed Leona to his bedroom. Cryzuko looked around and Leona sighs, "I'm goin' to bed now, and if you disturb my sleep, I'll turn you into shag carpet." He then just puts himself into bed and falls asleep. Cryzuko sweatdrops and Grim huffed, "He was out in literally three seconds!" Cryzuko puts a finger to her mouth, "Shh... We don't want to wake him up..." Cryzuko then tucks Grim into bed as Grim falls asleep, snoring. Cryzuko softly sighs and was about to tuck herself to bed, only to be grabbed by Leona who just hugs her in his sleep. Cryzuko was surprised but didn't question it as she falls asleep. 

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