A Cleaning Hint

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Cryzuko and Grim were inside of Leona's room. Ruggie says, "Your job for today is to clean Leona's room." Leona just lays on his bed, "You'd better earn your room and board, herbivores." Cryzuko sweatdrops but started to clean and Grim huffed, "Between Azul bossin' me around at work and Leona doin' it at home, I'm a mess." Ruggie then says, "Start by putting all his randomly-discarded clothes into the laundry basket, then clean off his desk. Accessories go in this drawer. Books go on that shelf. Once the desk is clear, wipe it off with a dustcloth." Cryzuko sweatdrops but continues to clean as Grim also started to clean, whispering to himself, "You're not a cub. You should know how to clean up after yourself." Leona questioned, "Hm? Care to run that one by me again?" Cryzuko was putting the clothes into the laundry basket and Grim was at the desk, "I-I didn't say nothin'. Okay, I'll start cleanin' the pile of stuff offa this desk... Whoa! He left some expensive-lookin' jewelry just lyin' around. And there's his wallet! W-with this much stuff around, surely he wouldn't notice one little thing goin' missing, right? That's what he gets for not puttin' this stuff under lock and key."

Grim went to grab it but Ruggie retorts, "Don't even try it. That one's mine to nab—uh, I mean, he'd know immediately if something was unaccounted for." He looked to Leona, "I keep telling you to stop leaving your valuables out in the open, Leona. You're gonna get robbed blind one of these days!" Leona rolled his eyes, "Ah, shut your trap. What are you, my mom? So what if my stuff gets stolen, anyway? It's no big deal. I say if someone's got the guts to steal from me, they can go right ahead." Ruggie retorts, "But it IS a big deal! That's my point! It's all fun and games being rich until the day you suddenly feel the penny drop. They're called "valuables" for a reason." He whispered to himself, "This is what drives me nuts about you silver-spoon types..."

Cryzuko then shouted, "I got it!" Grim squeaked, "Whoa! What's gotten into you, Cryzuko?" Leona huffed, "Bring the volume down a notch." Cryzuko smiled, "They're in the vault because they're NOT unbreakable!" Ruggie was confused, "Huh?" Leona sat up, "Of course! I get it now." He laughed, "That's an intriguing line of thinking." Grim asked, "Huh? What'd I miss?" Leona says, "Here, I'll explain..."

After Leona explains, Grim grinned, "Ohhh, I getcha! NOW it makes sense! Now that we've got a weak point to exploit, let's bust into Octavinelle right now!" Ruggie shook his head, "There's just one problem with that." Grim was confused and Ruggie says, "If Cryzuko's read is right, then the Leech brothers are sure to show up and interfere. Honestly, they're a bigger hurdle to you guys than the vault itself." Grim stomp his foot, "For cryin' out loud... We're so close, I can almost taste it!" Cryzuko frowned, "But that means that if we could do something about the Leech brothers..." Leona retorts, "Hey. I've got a good idea of where you're going with this, so I'll get this outta the way now... I'm not helping. No way, no how. The last thing I need is to get dragged into someone else's mess. Especially when that cephalo-punk is involved." Ruggie shrugged, "Same goes for me. Don't even ask." Grim huffed, "You guys're real fairweather friends, y'know that?" Cryzuko softly sighs as she called Moonlight on her phone, "Grim... Play along with me on this one." 

 Timeskip -

Cryzuko stirs awake and yawns. She then shakes Leona awake, "Good morning." Leona opened his eyes and sighed, "Huh...? What, you're up already?" He sat up, "You sure are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Meanwhile, because of you, I'm sleep-deprived... Tch. I guess today IS the third day of the agreement. Just remember that come sundown, I'm kicking you guys out, no matter how this goes down." He got off the bed, "Have your things packed and ready to go." Cryzuko sweatdrops.

Grim and Cryzuko was with the other group in the courtyard. Jack questioned, "Are you serious right now?" Cryzuko cheerfully says, "We're paying the Atlantica Memorial Museum a visit today." Moonlight already knew the plan since the phone call and Ace retorts, "I thought we agreed that nabbing the photo under the sea was a no-go because the Leech brothers would stop us!" Deuce frowned, "This plan seems reckless, even by my standards..." Grim crossed his arms, "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Okay, kiddos, listen up and I'll go over the plan..." However Grim coughed and Moonlight asked, "Woah.. you okay there?" Grim cleared his throat, "No! I'm still gettin' over all the yowling I did yesterday." He huffed, "Mm, anyway, back on topic. Here's how this is gonna go..."

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