Chapter 1 - Dead on the First Date

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Issei POV

Well, I got a date for this weekend. Isn't that a bit of a surprise. I'm not really expecting anything big, but then I'm also hopeful . At school, I've been accused of being a pervert just simply because I'm friends with the perverted duo. So, the Kendo Club had launched a hate campaign against me with most of the school hating me for being friends with Matsuda and Motohama, but I won't abandon them for being open with their preferences

Third Person POV

As Issei was walking home, he was excited about the prospect of the date, and he told his whole family ,there was obvious excitement, as his mother Miki and grandmother Amaterasu helped him prepare for the date along with his older sister Naomi.

As they chose the outfit, the three ladies couldn't agree on which outfit Issei was going to wear, so they had to compromise and have Issei pick out one item from each outfit to wear, as Issei chose black denim jeans, a white shirt and a black jacket with white hi-top sneakers so that he could impress the girl.

Naomi: Okaa-san, Baa-chan, it's really simple. Ise should choose one item from each outfit so that we're all satisfied and have no arguments about it.

Miki: I agree with Naomi, Okaa-san, we might spend hours here if we don't compromise.

Amaterasu: Then let's get to work .

Once Issei chose his outfit, they each took turns teaching him how to handle himself on the date without embarrassing himself and ensuring that by the end of it, the girl he was going out with was his girlfriend.

Day of the Date

On the day of the date, Issei was near the shopping district of Kuoh as he waited for Yuuma to appear. As he was waiting, a girl in cosplay gave him a flier as she went by.

Familiar: Here, take a flier.

Issei: Thank you. Huh? 'Make a wish, and it shall be done'

Yuuma: Hey Issei, I hope I didn't make you wait?

Issei: No, you didn't, Yuuma, not at all, shall we?

Yuuma: Okay.

Issei and Yuuma went around Kuoh as she went through all the shops, dragging Issei with him as they went through.

Afterwards, they went for lunch at a family diner, where they shared a lot of funny stories together as they ate together, even going to a shop where Issei bought Yuuma a bracelet with her name on it.

From there, it was to the amusement park where they rode most of the rides there enjoying themselves until Yuuma told him.

Yuuma: Hey Issei.

Issei: Yeah, Yuuma?

Yumma: After this, let's head to the park,   I want to ask you something.

Issei: Okay.

As they continued with the rides, Yuuma had an evil smirk as her plan was coming together.

After they were done at the amusement park, they went on their way to the park where everything would all unravel.

Issei: Now wasn't that a good time?

Yuuma: Yeah, it was. Issei, I've got a question for you.

Issei: Yeah, what is it?

Yuuma: Can you die for me?

Issei: What?

Yuuma: I said , "Can you die for me?"

As Yuuma asked that question, she transformed into her true form, which frightened Issei.

Issei: W-what are you?

Yuuma: Your death.

Yuuma threw the spear at Issei, which it hit him in the chest, and it burned him badly as she flew away in satisfaction whilst Issei was left in tears as he contemplated his last moments.

Issei: Ah Fuck! Seems like this is it for me. Mom, Dad, Baa-chan, Naomi, I'm sorry but I'm not coming home, I love you all, goodbye .

As Issei was breathing his last, a silver haired woman walking through the park happened to notice him bleeding out and rushed to him.

????: Oh dear, you poor boy, what happened?

The silver haired lady took out a Queen Piece from her pocket and stated a chant. The Queen Piece was absorbed by Issei , and afterwards, she noticed something peculiar. As Issei absorbed the Queen Piece, his hair changed colour from brown to a silvery-white colour. That change raised suspicions with the woman, as that was the same hair colour as her long-lost elder twin son.

She took him in a bridal carry and teleported out of Kuoh, with the flier in his pocket unactivated.

Scene Change - ORC Clubhouse

As Issei was attacked, a redhead was waiting for the flier to activate, and when it didn't, she was fuming as she knew Issei had a sacred gear and wanted to take advantage of the situation but didn't sense the flier activate.

Scene Change - Serafall Memorial Hospital

Meanwhile, the woman brought Issei to the hospital where doctors immediately got to her due to her status.

Doctor 1: Lady Grayfia, how may we assist?

Grayfia: This boy was attacked by a fallen angel. He was stabbed in the chest when I came across him, so I revived him as my Queen. Can you help him?

Doctor 1: We'll do all that we can, Lady Lucifer .

Grayfia: Thank you .

[Communication Incoming - Richard]

Richard: Grayfia dear, are you back from Kuoh? I sensed you teleport.

Grayfia: I am Richard, but I'm at the hospital ,I have got a bit of a situation.

Richard: What's wrong? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?

Grayfia: Not me dear, I found a boy bleeding out in the park as I was walking through. He was attacked by a fallen angel, most likely during a date. So I took him as my Queen

Richard: Alright, I see, I'm on my way there. Is there anything else?

Grayfia: Yes, he draws a lot of similarities to Tatsumi in almost every way

Richard: What do you mean??

Grayfia: I've only seen his hair. When he took in the Queen Piece, his hair colour immediately changed to a silvery-white, which you can match to Kanna's only.

Richard: I'll see the situation when I get there. Thanks for notifying me.

Grayfia: See you, dear.

[Communication Ended]

????: Something happened, Richard?

Richard: Clearly Anos, Grayfia found a boy dying in Kuoh. He was bleeding out after being attacked by a fallen angel, so she's at the hospital after taking him as her Queen Piece. So I'm going to see her. But there's something else.

Anos: What is it?

Richard: She said that the boy draws too many similarities to Tatsumi, by looking at his hair.

Anos: Well, in that case, I'll come along, I want to see the situation for myself

Richard: Let's go then.

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