Chapter 4

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As they drove back from Yongdu-ri, Hae-In sat quietly, her arms crossed, staring out the window. She was still upset with Hyun-Woo for hiding such a big secret from her. Hyun-Woo kept trying to chat, throwing out jokes and stories, but Hae-In only replied with short, frosty answers, clearly not ready to let go of her frustration.

The rain was pouring heavily by the time they arrived home. Hyun-Woo quickly got out, grabbed an umbrella, and rushed to Hae-In's side to open her door. But Hae-In, still angry, ignored the umbrella and hurried ahead into the downpour.

"Hae-In, slow down, or you'll get drenched!" Hyun-Woo called, his voice full of concern.

Determined to keep her dry, he rushed to keep up, holding the umbrella over her head as she stormed ahead. Hae-In's quick steps splashed through the puddles, while Hyun-Woo, with his mismatched strides, tried his best to keep her covered.

Despite her annoyance, there was something endearing about Hyun-Woo's clumsy efforts to protect her from the rain.

"Hae-In, why are you still mad at me?" Hyun-Woo asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

Hae-In looked at him with disbelief, thinking, How could he not know why I'm upset? She responded curtly, "I'm not mad."

But as she glanced at Hyun-Woo, she noticed his clothes were getting soaked. He had the umbrella tilted entirely towards her, ensuring she stayed dry. Her irritation flared again. "Hold the umbrella properly," she snapped.

Hyun-Woo, undeterred and said, "Okay, okay. But let's get inside first, or you'll catch a cold."

As they hurried toward the house, they saw Yoon Eun-Seong in the way holding an umbrella in his hand, He had been invited by Hae-In's mother to stay at their guesthouse.

Yoon Eun-Seong had been Hong Hae-In's classmate in college and had always liked her. Now, he was helping her bring her brand, Hercyna, to the store, which earned him some of her attention.

When Hae-In caught sight of Eun-Seong unexpectedly, her expression shifted to a mild surprise. Before she could utter a word, Eun-Seong took charge of the situation smoothly. "The rain is really picking up. Let's continue our conversation inside," he suggested, guiding her towards the shelter of the house with practice ease.

Meanwhile, Hyun-Woo observed from a distance, his irritation simmering. He had already been on edge at the sight of Eun-Seong's arrival, and now, watching him whisk Hae-In away under the umbrella, only added to his frustration.

Eun-Seong's hand rested lightly on Hae-In's back as they walked, a gesture that didn't escape Hyun-Woo's notice. His grip on the umbrella tightened reflexively as he silently seethed. Why does he always have to insert himself like this?

POV of Hyun-woo

Eun-Seong. Just the sight of him made my blood boil. He's always hovering around Hae-In, like a shadow I can't shake off.

Why does she even give him the time of day? I wondered, feeling a pang of jealousy. Hae-In is usually so particular about her personal space. She doesn't let anyone touch her hair. But that day in the office, Eun-Seong had the audacity to brush a strand off her face, and she didn't snap at him.

She should've pushed him away, like she always does. She should have given him that cold glare she reserves for everyone who gets too close. But with Eun-Seong, it's different. And that difference eats at me.


In the House

Hyun-Woo entered the house, deliberately ignoring Eun-Seong as he made his way to his room to change. When he returned to the living room, he saw Eun-Seong still lounging on the couch. Taking a seat himself, Hyun-Woo asked casually, "You're still here?"

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