Chapter-13 • Madness and Falling Apart •

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10 years ago,

"Catch me!!" I screamed for Deva as I slid down the slide, and he was waiting for me at the end. Before I slid to the end, he lifted me off the slide, and I wrapped my legs around him, laughing.

"Caught you, Jaan," he said, kissing my lips, and I giggled in his mouth. "Caught you."

Getting down on my feet, I grabbed his hand and ran to the swing with him. He had my girl's bag on his back, and he looked funny. I sat on the swing and tilted my head to look at him. He smiled, kissed my temples, and gave a push to swing.

I laughed loudly while he smiled, shooting me on his phone. Next, he carried me on his back and toured me all the fair while I kept eating candy floss. He made me go on all the rides while I only laughed and laughed and laughed with him.

It was my best birthday gift!!!

At night, he booked a cab for us and took me home. It was tough to fool my bodyguards and also Papa, who thought that I was with friends celebrating my birthday. I hated lying to them, and they hated the truth, so I had to hide.

"We will go from the backside." I grabbed his hand and took him to the background. Opening the door, I found it to be empty. Everyone must be in their rooms. "Run into my room."

He nodded and followed my words. Pulling off my shoes, I held them in my hands and ran to my room on my fingertips, making sure Papa wouldn't know I was home.

Deva was sitting on the bed, expecting me soon, and I ran to him, straddling him on his lap. He tucked a few strands behind my ear, caressing my cheeks. I blushed at his gaze.

"I am so happy." I grinned like a baby, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I can't hold this happiness. It is nice to be with you."

"Want to share your happiness?" He  smirked, and I blushed, understanding his words. He meant making love because he already told me that he would make love to me when he was happy and wanted to share it with me. "I am also so happy."

Resting my forehead against his, I nodded slightly. We made love two times. Yesterday night and today, in the morning, when we woke up, In the morning, I had to make a scandal to make him escape.

"But I want to trim your beard first," I whispered, nuzzling my nose with his, and my lower lip was pressed between my teeth shyly. "It is poking me a lot when you are kissing me down." I trailed off.

"Down?" He  raised his eyebrows, teasing. “Where, Anu?”

"Deva.." I slapped his chest, burying my face in his neck. "Stop teasing me."

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